
Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflections on Injuries

At our last jumping lesson, 8 days ago, I fell off Izzy. I wasn't really hurt. I got back on and everything was fine. My hip was sore the following couple of days, which made sense, since I landed on it. Still, a day off, followed by easing myself back into some low, slow runs and my hip now feels great.

The only problem is that now my tailbone (I think) hurts. I don't notice it walking, running, or sitting, but any time I bend over, I have to move really slow to avoid pain. Lifting stuff is also difficult. According to my cursory internet search (which is just like going to a doctor, I'm sure), there is really nothing a doctor can do for tailbone injuries other than dispense pain meds.

So... I'm thinking I'll just continue to kind of take it easy and hope things improve. Any second opinions out there? ;-)


  1. If you have good insurance, get yourself to a Dr., ASAP! While there isn't much to be done for tailbone injuries, the Dr. will be able to rule out other injuries. There are a lot of joints and ligaments and bones in the lower back/pelvis that you might have damaged and if left untreated they can cause lifelong disability. I know this from personal experience and the experiences of friends that thought they could just "walk it off". You only have one back/pelvis, take care of it!

  2. I agree with Shannon - probably a good idea to have it checked out just in case - particularly if it isn't improving with rest or if the pain is sharp.

  3. You might have put your tail bone (coccyx) out. A good chiropractor could help. My horse galloped over the top of me when I was fifteen. (I had gone over his shoulder and he continued over the top of me.) But please get something done because that was thirty one years ago and I still have problems. The joint is unstable and I can put the darn thing back in myself by simply sitting on a hard surface in the right way. My favourite is sitting in the shower with the shower on hot because that helps to relax the muscles.

  4. Agreed! If you have insurance especially why not go. I have also had significant luck with my chiropractor putting everything back in place. If you landed on your hip chances are good that your pieces arent where they're supposed to be anymore, even if it feels ok now. Good luck and feel better!!!

  5. Yikes! Good luck and I hope you get to feeling better!

  6. I hurt my tailbone over a year ago and it STILL bothers me! I did not do my physical therapy as diligently as I should have. Chiro helps, and I'm thinking of trying acupuncture soon (since my horse likes it so much). It's somewhat true that if it's only a bone bruise, the doctor won't be able to do much, but he'll write you an Rx for physical therapy. You should get an x-ray if it's still bothering you though, just to be on the safe side.

  7. oh that sucks...doesn't it make you think, if we have a tail bone, why not a tail? I could use a tail for an extra grooming hand, or to hold my cell while I balance my work bags, keys and phone, etc.
    Trying to make you laugh thru the pain....;)

  8. I'll add to the advice about going to a good chiropractor. The pain in your tailbone could easily be related to other vertebrae being out of alignment as well as to some bruising.

    I hope you have insurance so you can get yourself to a doctor to get checked out.

  9. Definitely go to a doctor if you have insurance. Better safe than sorry, right?

    Interesting that everyone's suggesting chiropractors. Lately I've been thinking more and more that it does so much good for my horse, so why shouldn't I go get checked out and see what kinds of crazy issues my body has worked itself into over the years? ;) If you go to one, let us know what it's like.
