
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I set a goal for this month of riding four times a week. Remember that.

I made it out to the barn around noon yesterday. I am/was really happy that everyone is back at work now, because I was all alone. Oh, and it was COLD. Like 20f and blowing 20mph. Feels like 0, in case you were wondering. I turned Izzy out in the indoor and she galloped and bucked like a maniac. Ok, I thought, this is a good day not to ride.

Then I realized something: I could not go out Monday. I will not be out Thursday and I rarely have time to ride on Wednesay. That is three days this week, which means that I MUST ride the other four, or risk not completing my goals for the mere reason that I wimped out. I need to be thankful that I'm not dealing with issues like Kristen and Denali are, and get my butt in that freezing cold saddle.

Izzy and I trooped back the the barn to tack up when I realized that something was wrong. Yes, in all her playing and leaping and bucking, someone's mare had apparently knocked a big ol' crack in her hoof. Sigh. (I took pictures, but forgot to get them off the camera). She looked sound, but I called my farrier just to be sure. Farrier said to keep her going as long as she's sound--these things happen.

Nuts. These things happen when it's cold and I don't want to put bell boots on, you mean. I pulled out the western saddle and off we went. It was a short ride, but it was a ride. We worked on halting, backing, trotting off, jogging, and some turn on the haunches. Izzy was actually really good, so when we were done, I turned her out. IN HER BELL BOOTS.

Of course the weather forecast calls for warmer weather and rain. Everything's dry and frozen right now, which means the risk of infection is like zero. Add a bunch of standing water in and that goes WAY up. Dangit.

I am hoping to get a ride in today, though. Cross your fingers for me.


  1. Ugh! Hopefully the crack won't turn into something worse.
    And good job- a ride is a ride, short or not, it counts :)

  2. Cracks are the worst! I would get some Keratex Hoof Hardener just in case (although it's a bit on the pricey side, yuck). But good for you for sticking with your goals! :-)

  3. You'll notice the absence of goals ever appearing on my blog... because I know I'll never be able to make them happen. So I'm impressed that you are making yourself stick to it! I think I'd have given up. Hope the crack heals up nicely with no complications. I am a big fan of Durasole for all hoof ailments - works for hardening and healing the soles and takes care of thrush, so it might help? It's pretty cheap too, so good stuff to have around.

  4. Good for you! Sticking to the goals you set is hard, so I applaud you for your determination. Nice when the arena is free.

    Hope the hoof is OK. Cracks, etc. do happen, though. They don't always cause problems.

  5. Just because a ride is short doesn't make it bad. You did do some things, good for you!!!
