
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pony Love

I'm still blown away by the fact that I, SprinklerBandit, have a pony of my very own. She's what I always wanted for my whole life, and she's more than lived up to expectations and dreams.

Aimee & Izzy forever.


  1. Awww. So nice. I think Izzy is so beautiful and understand why you'd feel this way.

  2. Sometimes love just overwhelms you. Dreams fulfilled can capture our hearts.

    Give Izzy an extra hug from me.

  3. I had the same thought today. There was a girl coming out to lesson on another pony today and I thought to myself "I can't believe I have my own horse" as she was going to get the lesson pony. Sometimes it doesnt seem real!

  4. I agree..I have those "I can't you are MINE, all MINE!!!!!!!" days! :)
    It's the best
    Of course there are days where I've wanted to put "For sale" and send him down the road, lol, but only a few ;)

  5. How cute are you two? Super cute:)
