
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rethinking Smartpak

I believe I blogged before about why I use Smartpak for Izzy. Basically, it's cheaper and super convenient, since the feed/tack store is on the opposite side of the valley from where Izzy is. It's an extra hour of driving to and from, plus then I'm at the only viable tack store in the area which is never good when I'm already looking to spend money. You know how that goes.

Anyways. Through Smartpak, I got what I wanted (Ugard and an omega 3 supp) for way cheap and didn't have to pay shipping. It was a great system. The only problem is that now, Smartpak has changed their policies. They have free shipping for all Smartpaks over $40. I'm sure that's amazing for Denali's Mom and Marissa, whose horses are somewhat higher maintenance, but for Izzy, whose monthly total was $21, it's not as good of a deal. Oh, and they raised the prices on most of their supplements. I am not complaining about that--it's a business and they have to make money, BUT now instead of paying $21 a month, it's $32. That's $132 a year. I know, small potatoes to some of you (and not even a month for the Wild Pony Beast's Smartpak), but enough for me to explore new options.

Then again, Smartpak is super easy to use, I do love their customer service, and as one friend pointed out, "You could just increase your supplements until they cost $40". Haha, not likely, but it's a thought.

So. I am planning on keeping the Ugard, since it makes Izzy's tummy happy and is pretty inexpensive. What's your favorite skin & coat/omega 3 supplement?


  1. ACK! I thought the same thing when they raised prices since our total is only $24, but I love them so much and what the supps from smartpak have done for Yanks is incredible. Supps from the tack store are more expensive and not as many options to choose from. I think I will stick with them even with the raised prices.
    I use Ugard and LOOOVE it!
    I also use Bioflax20 which is $13 and works well for hoof and coat, lots of Ome3's and biotin. I haven't found any other supplement that actually works and that I can afford!

  2. All the dark bays at my barn are on Black As Knight for skin/coat and they look absolutely amazingly beautiful. It's $19.95 a month though. That would definitely push you over the $40 mark. But I feel your annoyance. I'm kinda annoyed with supplements altogether right now haha. I had Ella on some sort of SmartShine Ultra but I cut her from it. Felt like it was a waist since you can just shine them up with some corn oil which is so much cheaper.

  3. We've had good luck for coat/skin/hoof health with cocosoya oil. All the horses love it, and it helps make other supplements more palatable. The downside is that it's relatively expensive and also messy to use (and I don't think SmartPak carries it).

  4. Hmmmm I see why your flustered. Pongo's smartpak is $45/month. I have him on the Daily Omegas and MSM. I add in electrolytes once the weather heats up. Maybe if you add in electrolytes you can get up to $40. A maintenance dose of those is only $8/month I think. I LOVE the Daily Omegas, I highly recommend it to everyone. It has completely changed the condition of several horses I know, including 2 of my own :)

  5. Anyone at the barn using Smartpak so you could combine and order?

    I'm not using a lot of supplements, so I can't be much help here. Sorry.

  6. I stopped using SmartPak for my own reasons. Now I support either the local tack stores (it's easier for me, I have more choices within 20 minutes of the barn) or I order direct from the manufacturer.

    Don't know if it's any more or less than your current supplement, but I was using Omega Horseshine for my itchy old man and it worked great, even at 1/3 the recommended dose (I'm cheap, but it still helped!). Now I just get generic flaxseed and it works about the same.

  7. I used Cocosoya. Smartpak has it in a solid form, but Denali kept getting it stuck on her teeth and would walk around showing off her teeth all the time. Cocosoya is good, but also just plain old flax seed!!

  8. You can go into your account and apply a free shipping code/check out before they auto bill you and you won't have to pay shipping.

  9. Noy sure if you have Hygain products over your way but Hygain Gleam is meant to be pretty good.
