
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Pony, A Tack Whore, The Internet

I didn't go out to the barn yesterday, which was a bad idea. I spent all day moping around and watching tv and wishing I could ride. Instead of talking about that, I bring you Izzy eating a treat:

Really people--it's that good.

The other exciting thing is that the being of our western blinginess has arrived. In typical western redneck (not that I'm bitter) fashion, the previous owner did not take care of it, but 8 thick coats of oil later (not exaggerating), it feels great.
Mmhmm. One ear headstall with silver crystal-encrusted conchos. Some of the crystals are missing, so I'll probably swap them out for new ones and I might replace the chinstrap. The saddle hunt is still on. Sadly, the craigslist beauty sold, but I'm still considering our options and hunting around.

Maybe we'll be in a parade!! I mean, this is Idaho. I can't imagine you have to do anything very impressive to get in to one.


  1. Parades are fun, I've done several 4th of July ones. We did them a few years back to back, people started bringing treats for the horses, my mare loved to get very close to the people to snag the treats, talk about a whore! We wern't special, and this was (nice) Chicago suburbs.

    I love the headstall, you must find the perfect saddle for it!

  2. That bridle is pretty on her. There's a 16" Westernaire treeless on eBay for $2000. If you mortgage your soul you could afford it....*Just kidding*

    Once again, I don't know enough about western saddles to help much, but I will keep my eyes open if I see anything that might be good.

  3. I love the way she keeps her lips closed when she chews, very funny. The headstall looks really nice! That's a lot of oil!

  4. The treat video made my WEEK!

    Awesome, Izzy.

    The bridle is pretty, too. =)

  5. I was just about to say the same thing...I've never seen a horse eat with their lips closed!

  6. Izzy is one thorough chewer! The mare definitely savors her treats, lol.

    I'm barfing a little bit at the western tack (sorry, a lifetime of h/j snobbery has been deeply ingrained!), BUT hey if it makes you happy and keeps you occuppied during your riding hiatus, go for it! ;-)

  7. Oh my goodness. That video is SO adorable. I watched it twice! She also looks quite pretty in her western tack, which proves once and for all that a beautiful horse looks good in anything! (haha, just teasing you)

  8. I am loving her treat-savouring lips. That is so darn cute, I have to watch it again.

  9. OMG I Laughed so hard at that video - Georgeous! SHe is very lady like eating with her mouth closed! Little Izzy, soooooooo cute

  10. Having seen many an Idaho parade... I'm pretty sure you guys qualify :)
