
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back at It

Uh huh. Dressage saddle, stirrups removed.

Oh, and I did pilates this morning. Every muscle in my body will probably have a say in my activities tomorrow, if you know what I mean.

We had a good ride overall--I worked a lot on changing bend and lateral-ish motions. We'd go down centerline, leg yield left, straighten, leg yield right, then turn left, shoulder in left, should in right for a counter bend around the corner.

The idea was to keep Izzy active and engaged while forward and soft in the bridle. It mostly worked.
Izzy wasn't terribly enthused.

Overall, I was pleased with how we did. I'm starting to be able to sit a slightly bigger trot, and I'm definitely reaching my leg down longer than before. I can now post three whole circuits of the arena, too.


  1. Good work and some nice exercises.

    I do agree, though, Izzy does not look too impressed. *LOL*

  2. I love pilates!!!!!!!!!! lol

  3. That's great! Trotting around the arena is not the most interesting of exercises, but it's great for fitness and stamina. And you're riding again, woot!

  4. Awesome for u! :) Pilates rocks and those that think it's easy (like my husband) try it-such a great workout.
