
Monday, November 7, 2011

Continuing Adventures

It is apparently winter here. We had our first snow, so of course I trooped out to the barn with a camera to take adorable pictures of Izzy in her halter.

Izzy explores the snow.

Since it was a rolicking 20f outside, I opted to bundle up in non-riding clothes and focus on the artistic qualities of a black horse on white snow. Or something.

Izzy was not convinced it was a good time to leave breakfast and get turned out. Too. Cold.

After meandering around the pasture, I took her in the indoor for the first time. She was completely crazy, as you can see in the video.

Ok, so maybe "queenly" is better than "crazy". She keeps walking around like she owns the place, eyes bright, ears pricked.

Pony mare being adorable. I have oodles more to talk about, but I guess I'll save it for a slow news day.


  1. She has a very nice cadence to her gaits! Gorgeous girl.

    I am envying your indoor, but not your snow!

  2. OOO. We got our first snow falls on the same day! Completely jealous that you got to go out and watch Izzy play in the snow. I won't get to see Moon till tomorrow and I bet you all the white stuff will be melted. : (

    Anyway, she looks like she's having a blast in the indoor. I LOVE how flexible she is, bending her neck like she's gumby-horse! Soo light on her feet too!

  3. Awe, what a cutie! :) She has such a floaty trot, I *love* it! Bella has such short, stiff gaits. :P

  4. I love the last pic. The videos are great too. Izzy is beautiful.

  5. Izzy looks quite at home in her ner "digs." She is going to be fun to ride in that lovely indoor. Enjoy!

  6. Great videos! What a lovely springy trot she has :)

  7. Cutie pops! Love the canter there!
