
Monday, December 12, 2011

The Baldest Horse

Thanks to the end of regular season football for the NCAA, I finally had time to body clip Izzy this weekend.

She hadn't seen a pair of clippers in two years, as far as I can remember. I pulled the little clippers out Friday and trimmed up her face.

That got us from yak-face to this. I was so proud of Izzy--it was one of those little things that remind me of why I actually like this horse. She stood like a statue and made no objections whatsoever, even when I did her jawline and whiskers.

Aw. Cute pony.

Sunday morning I came out as soon as the sun was high in the sky, which translates to about 12.30 right now. After getting everything situated, I got the medical professional who is also Stephanie's client to come and apply the happy sap to make things calm and easy.

Before doing the injection, she wanted to test the clippers, so she fired up the big ones that sound about like a small chainsaw, and mowed a strip on Izzy's side.

Mare didn't blink.


We ended up doing an intramuscular injection anyways because while Izzy was fine having her sides and chest done, she was less enthused about the whole butt, back, and underbelly part of things.

Sleepy bald pony. This is only a small, small fraction of the hair we generated. It's by no means the best or smoothest clip job in the world, especially since Izzy was dirty (can't bathe humanely when it's 30f outside) and it was my first time to ever wield the mighty body clippers.

I love this shot of her. She looks almost majestic, despite being bald and high. There aren't a lot of horses that can pull this look off.

When I turned Izzy out this morning, she took off running around and trying to get Tatiyana to play with her.

Note that she is now decked out in cold gear, which includes a liner blanket and neck cover. So expensive, but she's snuggling warm.

Yana thought running around was a stupid idea. She's like that, though. Kind of aloof.

With her legs and dark smoldering eyes, she can play aloof all day long and still the boys come running.

And lunging today. Look how ridiculously shiny Izzy's coat is, even just 24 hours after I clipped it. Crazy.

Izzy ran around and bucked like a maniac and rolled over about 6 times, but then she settled right down. Now we're really ready for winter.


  1. She looks beautiful! Look at those dapples! And she's SOOOO shiny! I am jealous. My horse is a very unattractive mouse brown/soot gray at the moment, Izzy is far more attractive clipped.

  2. I love that metallic gray sheen they get after a clipping off the winter coat. Laz is SO damn furry, lol, but if we were riding as much as you two are; we'd be in trouble! She looks very pretty and all grown up!

  3. Izzy looks great with her new clip :)! So shiny.

  4. I clipped for the very first time the week before. My horse is an old hand at it, so didn't blink an eye. I just clipped the chest to the girth line, since I apparently don't work him hard enough to sweat much. ;) Izzy looks elegant.

  5. rather jealous of how dark miss Izzy is after her job. Yankee lightens to ridiculous extremes.

  6. Looks like a nice clip job to me. Well done!
