
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Parting Thoughts

It's official: Izzy is listed for sale. You can see her ad here. People keep asking me if I'm doing the right thing or saying that I'm going to miss her more than I think I will.

They're absolutely right. I watched her skim over the sandy arena surface in perfect balance this morning and thought the same thing myself. Then I got on a horse I've never ridden before and took him for a hack in the hills. Alone. Unafraid.

Yes, I'll miss Izzy's lovely conformation, fabulous gaits, and ridiculously photogenic self.

The flip side is that I already don't miss my fear. I don't miss that cold, wrenching terror every time I thought about riding a horse. I don't miss being completely overmounted and blaming myself and constantly thinking that I was just a terrible rider.

I'm not a terrible rider--I'm just a rider that isn't ready for the type of horse that Izzy is. She's going to be happy with someone who can appreciate her, and I'm going to be happy with an old, bony, paddling TB gelding with a darling face and packer personality.

He isn't God's gift to conformation, but he meets me at the gate in the pasture. He isn't young and spry, but he doesn't take advantage of me. He isn't perfectly round and balanced naturally, but he's nicely forward and a safe jumper.

I know what I'm missing out on. Izzy is an exceptionally cool horse.

It's just that I'm so much happier looking through a pair of wizened red ears on a solo trail ride on a stormy day that I have no interest in reconsidering.

>Aimee and Cuna, moving forward.


  1. Good for you! I hope Izzy finds a wonderful new home. Will you be leasing Cuna? Buying him? Looking for a similar horse?

  2. That was beautifully written. You know whats right for you, right now.

  3. I'm glad you were able to work through all this and come out in a place where you're happy and with a horse that makes you happy! As you said, Izzy will find the right place for her.

  4. I'm happy you're doing what's best for you, and also what's best for Izzy. She'll find the perfect owner who will take her on to bigger and better things, and you'll find bigger and better things with Cuna too (or whoever comes next).

  5. You are doing the right thing, look how much fun you are having and how much you are accomplishing with Cuna!!! You can be picky and make sure Izzy goes to the perfect home and that will be the best for both of you :) Keep your head up!

  6. Both of you deserve to be happy. I'm sure Izzy will get a good home and you will get to do what you want with a different mount. Of course you'll miss her but you're doing whats best for you.

  7. I have had the same discussion with myself over and over again. Is Lucy awesome? Hell yes. Do I sometimes wonder why I get back on over and over again? Absolutely. I admire your decision to move onto a horse that can make riding fun again :) Best of luck finding Izzy the perfect home. She will make someone very happy.

  8. You're going to be so happy with Cuna (and all the others that come from this day forward). Are you leasing him now? Good luck and happy trails!

  9. Izzy will find her person. You have written about this very well.

  10. holy lord! I didn't know you were even debating this, but it sounds like a good, thoughtful decision. And (clearly) I empathize with wanting a regular ride who lets you relax and enjoying it :) Can't wait to hear more about your new guy! I hope he learns how to be a good tack model too.... though those are big shoes to fill

  11. I so admire you for making the hard, but wise, choice for your happiness and Izzy's. She will be fine. You will be fine. More than fine:) Welcome to the Thoroughbred club!! I think Cuna is as cute as they come, and worth his weight in gold. You two are going to be amazing together.

  12. Also, I love a horse that's excited and happy to see me at the gate. LOVE. It sets such a great tone for our time together.

  13. I know what you are going through exactly. I'm in the process of selling my mare who is absolutely lovely, but is just too much for me right now. Had some ups and downs (mostly downs...) and am really happy with the family who has bought her, who will ride her how she should be. It's going to be rough seeing her go, but it's exciting to think of finding something that is right for me right now :)
    Enjoy Kuna!

  14. Don't sweat others questioning you. It sounds like you are at peace with this very tough decision and that means alot. It will be a rough road with saying goodbye I am sure BUT when you know you are doing the right thing you know you will be just fine. I too am eager to hear the answer about what role Cuna will take in your life. Leasing? Buying?

  15. Sounds like it's the right move, but that doesn't make it easy. It will be bittersweet when you find the right home for her, no doubt.

  16. 100% the right decision. Realizing it's not the right match doesnt mean you regard her any less. You're doing what's right for both of you! This is a very wise decision in my book, and what a treat that you already have a fun horse to move on with. I love you and Cuna together!

  17. Tough decision, but it sounds like the right one to me. One nice thing about Izzy is that she has good things going for her, so you don't have to worry about finding just the right home for her.

  18. Well said but I'm sure the toughest decision.
    Those TB Gents get ya ;)

  19. In the end - that is what matters. We horse bloggers put all our thoughts and emotions on the web for all to see and comment on - but we are the ones who have to make the decisions at the end of the day. Izzy is going to find an incredible home and go on to great things. And you will find that perfect horse match!

  20. Izzy's jump video on home website is good. =)

    Here's hoping for speedy results for you guys. =)

  21. I'm glad you're so happy and not afraid anymore. You're so brave and strong to make the right decision and not second guess yourself. It's hard to let them go, but sometimes it's for the best. I hope Izzy find the perfect home!
