
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who Let the Tack 'ho Out?!

A little over a month ago, I ordered a fancy custom halter for Cuna. I have been driving my husband absolutely mad while waiting for it to come--every day I was looking for a package and then disappointed when it didn't come.

Ok, so I have the maturity of a two year old when I'm excited about something. It's part of my charm... right?
A right side veiw
Anyways. Yesterday, the halter finally came. I pranced in the front door holding it and almost squealed when I pulled it out of the package. Almost squealed. Not actually. 

I was super excited to bring it to the barn this morning and carved out a few minutes to put it on Cuna and admire him. It's just right for him--strong and solid and high quality and not showy or fancy.

To Cuna's disgust, I followed that up with a photoshoot and then dragged him all around the barn, showing everyone there how adorable he looked in the new halter.

It says "Hakuna Matata" on the plate
Poor guy. It's hard to be a saint all the time. I did try to make up for it by handgrazing him for a while instead of riding. He's also sporting a new lead rope that I bought a while ago, but refused to get out until today so that it could be "new" at the same time the halter is.

So. Pretty.

In other exciting news, Ellie who has dogs and takes pictures and is generally awesome is foraying back into the equine world. You can check out her adventures here.


  1. That halter looks great on Cuna :)

  2. He looks GORGEOUS! Absolutely gorgeous. Btw I don't think my comments showed up on some of your previous posts but I have been SUPER IMPRESSED with all your jumping! You rock star, you.

  3. Cuna looks like a stud ;) I'm sure he seems disgruntled to be walking around all dressed up, but on the inside, I'm sure he was just beaming. ;)

  4. Really nice halter! Looks really great on Cuna. Might you share where you got it? How much? You are a shopping whiz and I may soon be in the market for a new leather halter with name plate as well. The lead is super cute too!

  5. I love the halter. Cuna is so handsome as usual!

  6. Love the halter! It suits him perfectly. Oh, and thanks for the shout-out! :P

  7. Love it! I think that's the same halter the fancy chestnut thoroughbred hunter in my barn has - very fitting :)

  8. Oooh it's just perfect for him! Awesome! Although he is giving you the "Moooooom, REALLY?" ears in that second pic. Too funny!

  9. Horsey mail is way more fun than any other type of mail. Even if its vet wrap or fly spray, I still get majorly excited when it comes! Cuna looks so freaking cute and seems to be warming up to being a model horse :)

  10. Reveille looks awesome in the black one too. :) Gary was able to help me get Iz's nameplate off with, like, NO effort, and then I was able to put Rev's new plate on pretty easily. So pleased!

  11. Love the halter. I finally found one in elephant size for my mare. When they fit like they should- boy does it make a difference.

    Horse mail is always great.

  12. BA HAHA. I love you. We are the same tack ho'.

  13. You're so silly. :) I love his "new" lead rope and new halter. He looks so handsome in them. :D Oh and when I'm excited and something finally shows up . . . I squeal, yep, I do.
