
Monday, November 5, 2012

Catching Up

So cute

Hello Blogosphere! Pardon me if I'm a bit quiet this month--I signed up for NaNoWriMo and I'm staying on track, but that's where most all my writing is going. Not sure how anyone does this without a helpful beagle to snuggle them while they work.

Not her most enthusiastic face

I have been riding, though. Saturday I went to a friend's barn and rode dressage horses, which was fun. I actually haven't sat in a dressage saddle in like... months? Not sure how long, so it was definitely a different feel. I rode a cute, green OTTB mare named Sierra and then hit it off really well with this pretty thing, another TB mare named Nacho.

Nacho is a 3rd level dressage horse who now teaches lessons. I called her the Cuna of dressage. She was capable of very correct work, but I HAD to ask for it. Talk about reaching into the dark recesses of my jumper brain, wow.

I did eventually put some decent work together, but I earned every stride. Nacho is for sale. Anyone want to buy her for me?

A New Angle

And today, Cuna and I mixed it up and went adventure hacking alone. He was actually about 85% better than last time. Not sure if that's because he was alone and didn't have anyone to feed off of or because he's more settled in at the new place or because I've been making him march past the scary tarp every day, but it was actually a strikingly quiet ride.

We're hoping for a few more days of sun, but word on the street is that winter starts Thursday. Wish us luck!


  1. Unfortunately winter has already started up in Ontario :( Hacking is quite difficult when you can't see or feel your fingers. Enjoy your sunshine while you can!

  2. Don't worry about winter, it comes and it goes ;)
    Buy the finger and toe warmers in bulk (I have a pack I keep in my car) and quarter sheets are always fun to look for (and are cozy for the pony and for your frozen knees!).

  3. I did Nanowrimo last year. Unfortunately I can't do it this year, but it's a great experience!

  4. Good luck with the NaNoWriMo!.
    Glad Cuna did better out hacking.

  5. Good luck with the writing! Everybody should have cute beagle to help out...

  6. NO to winter! I want everyone to be able to ride outside - year round!

  7. Yay for NaNo! I sure hope you'll publish/post/send to your fans your novel when you're done! =)

  8. Riding a third level dressage horse is sooo much fun huh? :D I miss the guy I used to ride in lessons.

    I have a half Beagle that helps me write by snuggling! :D Your Beagle is absolutely adorable. I didn't know you were doing Nano. I didn't do it this year, because sadly I couldn't get inspired by anything, but I've done it the past three years. :) Good luck!
