
Monday, February 18, 2013

Loving February

Pony friends
I know I've been quiet, but I've been too busy with horse-y awesome to blog a whole lot. Cuna and I celebrated Valentine's by going on our first trail ride of the year. We went with his bestie Max the Trakehner. Max is six years old, running training and getting ready to move up to prelim. He walked on the buckle. Cuna pranced and passaged his way up and down the mountains and was quite a ham. I loved every minute.

We also had our first day "over fences" for the year. Yes, I set an 18" crossrail to trot and canter over. Mr. Spry himself hauled my arms out of their sockets and galloped like a racehorse. We had some quality work, but I definitely needed the bigger bit.

Evidence of dressage Cuna
Sunday we had our first dressage lesson in six months. Our instructor was pleasantly surprised by our progress. I was expecting a thorough reaming and an hour of well-deserved torture, but she talked me through some things I'd been having trouble with and made Cuna work his well-muscled butt off. I learned a ton, but I can hardly walk.

So naturally, today was jumping day! We strapped on the pelham and did a related distance (of crossrails) and some little crossrails with placing poles out of the trot and canter. My position is feeling stronger and Cuna was awesome. At the end I wanted to put the fences up to jump size (or at least 2'6") and string a course together, but I thought it was better to end feeling confident than to push my still dressage-sore legs.

He's already less fuzzy than this.
Whew. I'm trying to wring all the possible fun out of this weather, because it's supposed to rain and snow for the rest of the week. I have exciting plans like "re-clip Cuna" and "practice wrapping" for when it's cold and horrid again. Here's to summer!


  1. What kind of bit does Max have on in your first picture? Looks interesting. Glad you have been having such a good time with Cuna!

  2. This weather is so crazy. I just want it to warm up. Realistically, Savvy should get clipped again too (she is a mega hairy horse), but I am just going to wait it out. Cuna looks fancy in her white wraps :)

  3. Posts like this about baby horses going prelim give me anxiety about my own competitive life. Gah.

    Sounds like you and Cuna are doin work like a boss. Er. Bosses. Glad red man is beastin' :)

    We too are getting hella snow thursday, so I too have plans for clipping and such. We are like, plan buddies.

  4. Sounds like a good time - sore legs and all!

  5. Here's to summer! Glad you are getting out while the weather allows.

  6. Yay for good weather! It's about stinking time some blew your way!

  7. Gotta pack in those rides when its sunny! I'm feeling ya on the dressage legs. BTW did you ever wrap up that contest from the end of last year? Did I just miss that post?

    1. I'm just slow. :-/ Sorry. I'll get to it shortly.

    2. Take your time =) no rush and no worries! Just making sure I'm not missing things

  8. HERE'S TO SUMMER! Sunny weather always makes it more fun to ride, sounds like your having a good productive time though!

  9. Sounds like you guys are doing so well!!

  10. I'm so ready for summer too! Sounds like you're having lots of fun!! It makes me antsy to be actually doing something.... sigh.
