
Monday, February 4, 2013

Wicked Good Fun

After a long day at the barn on Saturday, I went and hung out with some of my favorite horse ladies for dinner and drinks. Let's hear it for redheadlins and her mom cooking dinner, YUM. One of the guests present was 'the girl with the biggest camera' from our horse trials this summer.

Photo by Wicked Equine Designs

She took gorgeous shots like this. She's one of those rare people with an eye for horses and an eye for art, and the combination can be breathtaking.

Anyways. She's on the race scene more than the horse show scene and something about Cuna's story piqued her interest.

So she drew his picture. She put him in a race bridle and even captured funny little details like his tiny poofy forelock and his flyaway mane.

And then? She gave it to me. :-) I now have an absolutely gorgeous drawing of the best old man horse that I'm going to frame and hang on my wall.

If you're thinking, "wow, that's really good, how can I get one?" then you are on the right track. She's on facebook at Wicked Equine Designs and word on the street is that she will trade artwork for tack if you're not in the 'feeling well endowed financially' boat. She also works on commission and take it from me, she does a lovely, lovely job. My sad little phone photo of the Cuna picture doesn't begin to capture how much I love it.

PS You can follow her blog at Four Mares. No Money.


  1. Wow what a beautiful picture! Such a great piece and decor for the house!

  2. Beautiful picture! I love how she made him racing Cuna- it makes it extra special and creative.

  3. You are so nice! And ladies I have two original W.E.D. pieces and they are both lovely and really capture the spirit of each horse!

  4. I love pencil drawings and that one is beautiful.

  5. I have the most excellent title... "girl with biggest camera!" If any of you would like a drawing or painting, let me know!

  6. That's stunning I wish I could draw like that!

  7. That is amazing. I wish i could draw even half as goos as that.

  8. That is beautiful!
