
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our Photobook

[there was a link to a photobook here but the company I used asked me to remove it]

Lots of fun stuff coming up (if I can ever find the time to write any of it down.) Just thought I would share today's project: a book to commemorate my first year together with Cuna.

Someday, I'm want to do one of those blog2print books I always get emails about. Anyone tried those? Seems like a cool way to track progress as well. 


  1. What a great book!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Love it! Beautiful way to document your journey :)

  3. Cute! I made one of these (not horse-related) with, errrr, BookSmart? Or something like that, it was only about $15.

    1. I made it with a promo code, so I only paid shipping. ;) $8 ftw.

  4. Wonderful book of memories. And I think the second volume is going to be even better.

  5. I love Shutterfly! I did one of my photography, but I really want to make a Chrome specific one. Yours turned out awesome. Where did you get the promo code?? I want to use it! :)
