
Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Friday!!

Anya the Barbie horse
I had my first (light) ride back on C-rage today after a fun escapade with a Barbie horse in the hills yesterday!

I could go on and on about how fun it is to ride an edurance Arabian on a trail ride, but it's Friday and OMG I HAVE SOMETHING EXCITING TO SHARE NEXT WEEK!!!

Hold on to your horses.

Ha. I can't believe I never made that pun before.


  1. I can testify to how much fun it is to ride and experienced endurance Arabian in the hills. It's a blast!

  2. Love the little braid with bow. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Wonder if that will work well in my boy's mohawk?! HAHA. No fair teasing, btw :P

  3. Yay I'm finally caught up! And I would get caught up right on a teaser post. So cruel!!

    I hope Courage and Cuna are both feeling better. :)

  4. Anya is gorgeous!! Can't wait to hear the news.
