
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dream Horse Studios' WINNER!!!

Drum roll, please!! After an awesome turnout of 126 unique contest entries (compile that!), I am pleased to announce that our winner is:
Wait for it

So cool
CONTESTANT #71, SANDY-RA of ORS DRESSAGE!!! Sandy, please contact me so I can get you hooked up with your prize. :-)

Thank you to all of the participants! I don't even know a bunch of you, so I look forward to exploring new blogs and meeting new faces throughout the next couple of weeks. Feel free to step up and introduce yourself--I always love new faces.

For those of us who didn't win, Dream Horse Studios is running a sweet kickstarter project to try and further expand their product line. The rewards are awesome--You are basically just buying your product, but at the same time helping them get going. My Calypso boots are priced at $145 on the website not including shipping, but for $150 on the kickstarter, I can get them and free shipping. There are support options at all levels and for all budgets, starting at a dollar. I love my dream horse boots and I want to see this super cool company get rolling!


  1. Hey! I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Paola, aka American Girl. I am a horse crazy teen in CA who really, really, wants an OTTB. I hope to get one next year(I'm fundraising money). I enjoy reading about you, Cuna,and Courage.

  2. EEEEK! (Shriek of excitement and delight!) I am so very excited! Thank you so very much! This is my first "win" EVER!!!! Emailing you now!
