
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Breaking Things Up

Look at that fancy horse!
Courage has been going really well for a green horse starting back in work after taking the winter off.

That said.

My brain is a little in this panic mode of "FIX ALL THE THINGS" because you know, you wouldn't want to show up for your first lesson in six months and look like you hadn't had lessons for six months... yeah, overachiever problems.

Anyways. Although he was doing well, I wanted a little more experience in the saddle and I wanted to see how he looked from the ground. I also wanted to have a mini lesson after watching him for a bit and feel the improvement, but the weather wanted to pour down rain and drown us, so we compromised.

Redheadlins hopped on him for a Sunday afternoon ride. I tacked him up and handed him off and HOT DAMN does my little man look like a fancy ass jumper right now. So proud.

The video is kind of fun--his good moments are very good, though his green moments are still pretty green. It's a good reminder to me that I am making progess with Courage, but these things just take time. His body feels great now, but he has to learn all the nuances of being a sporthorse.

Dat canter doh
And yeah, no idea why I was getting all angsty and pushing for more. For six months off the track (with almost 3 months off in a field), he looks great.As he progresses, his good moments will get longer and closer together and his green moments will be less.

We're currently on a bit of an enforced break due to the world being super soggy, but I'm already dreaming about what to do when the ground dries up.


  1. Heck YES C-rage! He's super cute. And that little tail, swooooon :)

  2. I think that he is really starting to look comfortable with himself, and is happy with his job! Cute boy!

  3. Ugh he's just so CUTE. Sheesh.

  4. He looks great!

    So that's what the world looks like without snow and ice on the ground all over the place. *lol*

  5. aww. You have all the time in the world girl...enjoy the process :)

  6. I feel like I am supposed to be watching some kind of weird porno with crime and police in it or something as far as the music choice for his video, haha! But the Papa can pull anything off!

  7. Dat ass, tho ... C-Rage has some serious booty going on, that's awesome! His post-racehorse body is getting super sporty. :)

    I'll join you in "Fix All The Things Land." Why is it so hard to take a moment and really appreciate all the hard work you've put in and see that you're on the right path?

  8. he is going to be so crazy fancy in about six months to a year! you've done great with him
