
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jumping Video

I have nothing new to share and the videos are finally uploaded, so I'm putting them out there...

Please just look at the adorable bay horse and not too closely at the (second) rider. Apparently after taking most the winter off and then only riding one greenie a few days a week, I'm something less than Lillie Keenan.

Here, we'll start off easy. Here's RedHeadLins and C-rage taking his first few jumps of the year.

And then I give it a go on another day:

Hopefully I will coordinate camera people and sun and maybe even a lesson. Then we would have really good shots!

I know they aren't the most mind blowing videos you've ever seen but eeeeeeeeek my little man is so cute.


  1. He is totally cute! I love how he swishes his little tail after a fence.

  2. He's very adorable! I love how quite he is for such a greenie at jumping.

  3. I can't wait to see him in another month or two. He's going to be even more of a rock star than he already is!

  4. So adorable. Bring on your Summer!

  5. Looking good! He'll be ready to show sooner than you think.

  6. Man, he is a cute little critter!

  7. You guys both look great! I have to admit I'm a little jealous. I must find a friend with video camera! :)

  8. Good videos. He looks like he is a lot of fun to ride!

  9. Super vids, great to have someone on hand to help record all the firsts :-D

  10. Yay! He's so cute. Also, I love how he throws in a small canter stride just before the jumps, like "Mom, I got this".

  11. I miss having people around to video me! He's adorable, as always.

  12. You guys looked excellent! Wonderful pair, I don't care what you say , woman.

  13. Adorable!! :) You two look great!

  14. You guys look awesome, and he's so game! You're going to have a blast with him on XC. And also, that tail, that is now a legit tail!
