
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Getting Back On My Horse

The color in a washed out world
For non-blogging reasons, the last week has just been a series of increasingly worse crises. Courage has been on break due to the farrier/teeth/ongoing personal shit I'm in the middle of. Yesterday, the stars finally aligned and I got him out. I stuck him on the lunge line and while wild, the little man was oh-so-fancy.

And then I rode him. Not hard--we just did some walk/trot transitions and leg yielding/shoulder fore exercises. I could definitely feel a difference--he was so much steadier in the contact and more willing to work through his whole body.

He is the best at cheering me up
I toodled around and cleaned my tack. For a whole two hours, the world was just me and him and everything was ok.

So yeah. A lot of things suck right now and I'm really inordinately sad about all the fun things I'm missing out on, but at the end of the day, I'm here to enjoy my horse.

And I can still do that.


  1. Horses always have a way to make us feel better! Sending hugs :)

  2. There is simply nothing better than burying your head into their neck when the whole world seems to be coming down around you. I've had a horrible last 6 months in my personal life, and I am not sure what I would do without Riley.

  3. ponies cure for the moment at least :)

  4. There are some days where horses are the only reason we march on. Glad you had a good ride.

  5. Hang in there hun....give C man some more lovin', you both deserve it.

  6. Hugs. He is the best at being cute.

  7. It sounds really similar to my day yesterday too -- I'm not quite healthy yet, but I got out for about 2 hours, longed, brushed, fed treats, and did general care things. It feels so good to just spend some time with our ponies when life is so crazy!

  8. Horses do make things so much better.

  9. I used to want to slap people when they said, "Hey, it could be worse." Then it actually WAS worse. Now, I realize there is some deep wisdom in that oft-flippantly-offered phrase!

    Believe me, I know how hard it is to be stressed out and tired and feel like you just can't get ahead. I lost 20 lbs to PTSD two years ago and every time I try to get it back...well, fail. It is NOT a good problem.

    This is when our horses are truly the best gift! Hugs to you and the enjoyment of those beautiful moments with your horse. I've found those end up being the ones I treasure most. I'm pretty sure I'll have money to...even go take a lesson 2017 maybe? So you're not alone. The universe laughs at horse plans, sigh.

  10. If you enjoy your horse... That's all that matters <3 Hope things get better.

  11. Sorry that things are less than good in your life right now. =-/ Sending some good vibes your way.

  12. Sorry things are still sucking so bad. I'm glad you have Courage to cheer you up. :) Here hoping things are improving quickly!!

  13. Just got caught up on your last couple of posts. Sorry about things being tough right now! I don't know why life has to choose to be a completely raging bitch at the most inconvenient times. You really do have an awesome horse and that adorable face looks like it could brighten up the worst of days. I hope that things get better soon!

  14. HUgs to you. Following your blog!
