
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Progress Via Trotting Pictures

I always love a good pictorial progression sequence, so let's look at how Courage's trot has change over the past nine months.
July 2013. Days off the track. Stiff, neck straight up, willing.

Sep 2013. Starting to move, but still really tight in his body. 

Feb 2014. Body feels better. Now to get broke.

Mar 2014. We've had some lessons.

Late Mar 2014. In a lesson. Learning about connection.

June 2014. Starting to carry himself more correctly.

Mid June 2014. Connecting his whole body.

I tend to get down on myself for not being a good enough rider/trainer/horse person to get my horse to progress, so I'm posting this to remind myself that it's a long process and he's come a really long ways. His last race was less than a year ago. He took the winter off. He's nine years old, and he's still really new to this whole "sporthorse" thing.

So yes, there's more to do. Yes, I have lots to work on.

But hey. Look how cute my horse is! That's what it's all about.


  1. He - and his tail - have made great progress!

  2. Every horse can make progress. I mean, shoot Miles was totally broke and finished when I got him, but his body and flatwork have both improved since I bought him!

  3. You guys are doing great and you have a really nice horse! It's really fun reading about your progression.

  4. He's the best at being fancy! You've done a great job with him!

  5. Looking good! (and good job!)

  6. I find looking back really does help put things into perspective. He is super cute!

  7. Yes he has come SUCH a long way! I love progress pics too, they really remind you how far you've come and to stop being so down on yourself about the things that are less than perfect now... He's adorable.

  8. Courage is the best at looking cute :)

  9. You both have come such a long way. It's hard to remember all the progress you've made when you're always looking ahead, but I love that you wrote this post as a reminder to all of us to look back to see how far we've come. And who doesn't love an excuse for cute Courage pics??? :)

  10. What a difference a year makes! :)

  11. It's so awesome to look back on how far you've progressed!! Way to go!

  12. It's always hard to see progress when you're in the middle of it. That's why I love having photos and videos. You guys really have come far. Just think how different this will look in another few months.

  13. He looks great. You look great. That's all that matters. :)

  14. You both look fantastic! Keep it up, and keep sharing with us!! =D

  15. I am so impressed with what you have done with him!! You should be proud! :) It is sometimes hard to see your progress in the midst of things. I do the same thing.

  16. That's totally what it's all about! He's very cute! :D

  17. I love the progression pics, and I like using them as a reminder for myself too. It's hard to see progress if you only see things day-to-day but when you take a step back and look at the pictures over time it's really evident. Good job!

  18. you are working miracles with that horse. *high five!

  19. He has really come so far, great job to you both!

  20. Your horse is super cute. I tried to find one during my recent horse shopping. ;-)

  21. He looks so cute! I've been stalking you guys on facebook and now I can do it here!

  22. The March pictures are my favorite.

  23. You guys are doing amazing, I love following your progress!

  24. These pictures are such a cool idea - you can really see the changes!

  25. This is my favorite part about blogging, being able to go back and do things like this to see the progress we've made. He looks so good and in such a short time off the track!
