
Monday, August 11, 2014

Dark Day for the Blogospere

I want to write something fun and upbeat, but I just can't. I love the blog world for the friends we make and people we meet, and that means that when my friends experience loss, I cry with them.

The only Sugar
I was stunned last week to learn that Amy at A Work in Progress lost her sainted mare, Sugar. I loved tracking along with the two of them and I was a big time Sugar fan, especially after watching the video of their totally awesome cross country school together. Sugar was big and beautiful and kind and perfect for Amy and everything I loved in a horse and I hurt just thinking about how miserable Amy must be right now.

The indomitable Lex
And then my friend Jess over at Riding Rainbow has been facing a whole different tragedy--discovering that her beloved Lex is no longer able to handle a riding career. It's heartbreaking to watch them go through that. It's hard to even find words to deal with that kind of loss. Lex is here and yet not. My heart goes out to them, but there's nothing I or anyone can do.

Unforgettable Finn
And just to top off the weekend trifeca, Katie over at Young Dreams Eventing had to let go of her beloved Finn last Friday. It was too much. Finn was such a special horse--big and sweet and full of personality. He was Courage for Katie. When I heard the news, it felt like a punch in the gut. Finn was so young and full of life and I wasn't ready for that, not one little bit. I can't even imagine how Katie feels. Or rather, I can and it hurts way too much.

It's the double edged sword of loving these amazing creatures. They give us everything they have, but when they go, they take a huge chunk of us with them. I wish I had words for Amy, Jess, and Katie, but all I have is sympathy. I have been there and just thinking about it makes everything hurt all over again. My thoughts and prayers all with all of them right now.


  1. Rough week all around :( Nice to have a community supportive of each other when we have our dark moments.

  2. wow it has been a rough week for horse owners in the blogosphere

  3. Wow, so sad. Sending out hugs.

  4. Sugar fan here too. :(
    Plus barn-mate had to put her mare down the night before to due colic leading to twisting gut. We all feel it, because it could any one of us, at any time.

  5. So so sad. We relive our moments of grief from losing our heart horses when we hear of others losing theirs. Sending hugs and prayers to all.

  6. Thanks, friend. I'm appreciating the love. I feel so sad for Aimee and Katie. Shocking.

  7. So sad... :(

    My friend recently lost her young endurance mare to a random broken leg in the paddock. That was a huge shock and kick in the guts and it made me appreciate that at least my mare had a chance of survival, albeit via expensive risky surgery.

    These ponies break our hearts, sometimes I think they aren't worth the pain. But We just can't quit this.

  8. So, so sad for everyone involved. Horses give us our highest highs and our lowest lows in life :(

  9. Sending virtual hugs to everyone. The day I dread the most is the day when I lose my boy. I can't even imagine.

  10. geez this puts it in perspective though- whatever I'm going through with wizard, at least it will probably pass and I have a good healthy horse with me. so sad reading about all of these- nothing worse :(

  11. I hadn't heard about Sugar :( I can't even... There's no words.

  12. So sad. =-( What a testament to those special horses that they were able to effect so many people without ever actually meeting them.

  13. What Jessica said. Such a sad time... :-(

  14. We just put my favorite old mare down on Sunday, and I'm finding out that Ozzy may have to retire from riding at the age of 13, and I'm probably going to have to send JR home in the spring (or sooner). It has been a tough year for horses :(


  15. thankyou Aimee, It was nice to get onto your blog and see the note about Finn, he was to young... But in the end I think he touched more lives in his short 5 years then some horses do in their entire lives. Words cannot express how sad I am, but your words mean the world. Thankyou
