
Thursday, September 4, 2014

When I Have Nothing to Say

I wish I had something really cool and inspiring and interesting to say, but I'm having a shitty week piled on top of a really shitty year and about all I'm good for is staring at pony pictures and wishing I could afford some form of dairy-slathered carbs topped in protein to stuff my face with. Since that's out of the question, here's a fun picture collage I put together.
Photos by horselessinhalifax
Shots like this make me laugh at myself for worrying about big jumps. The fence is a solid 2'6" (I measured!) and he's a good foot over it.

Oh little man. Still my bright spot in a dark year. <3


  1. Here's to a better year ahead! ♥ Sending virtual hugs :)

  2. sorry things are so crummy. you and Courage look fantastic over that fence tho - so yay for silver linings :)

  3. keep your chin up....definitely room for another foot or two in there!

  4. Hugs! Sorry things are tough, but happy C-rage is there to make it better :)

  5. Hope things look up soon, until then, hug that pretty bay pony.

  6. Those back legs of his! Try to think positive, and keep looking at those great pictures!

  7. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way!! Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Ride it out man! It looks like you already are. :) Things always get better.

  9. You've got this girl! Cheers to a better year! Hugs!

  10. Mmmm, dairy-slathered carbs.... Hug the pony -- if they don't make us feel better, then what are we paying all this money for? Solo has earned every penny in therapy duties this, erm, decade...

  11. Aw, sending some virtual hugs your way. Cool pony pictures make everything a tiny bit better.

  12. Hope you're doing OK and that things start looking up soon :(
