
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Teach Me Tuesday: Who Wore it Better?

still love this
Teach Me Tuesday is a series I started to learn about things in the horse world I just don't understand. I've certainly had a lot of fun with it, and I love coming up with topics each week. So this week, I'm curious: how many horse bloggers are better dressed than their horses?

I know Courage has only the best of everything and I put a lot of time and effort into running down bargains for him, whether it's that perfect blanket or the world's most magical half pad.

But when I need clothes, it's pants from the feed store (not kidding Wranglers <3) and shirts for my local sports team.

And that's about it.

So in your relationship, who's better dressed: you or your horse?


  1. Obviously, my horses! I shop at Salvation Army LOL

  2. No doubt about it, my horse! I try hard not to spend any money on myself lol. So while she wears the $3,000 saddle, I wear the $10 sweat shirt I got at Kohls ;).

  3. Definitely the horse. I haven't shopped for myself in a looooong time!

  4. Horse. He's got a better quality wardrobe for sure.

  5. Since Paddy is wearing the $$$$ custom saddle and bridle, definitely him. Of course!

  6. Oh, the horses for sure. I barely care what I'm wearing. Although I'm going to try to get some better breeches because my old DevonAire men's breeches are too big and not so comfy anymore. Pipers, here I come.

  7. I try to keep us both well-attired.

  8. I would have to say we're about even in the style department! My BO sometimes introduces me as "The Dover Model of the Barn." While my riding wardrobe isn't super pricy (um, hello clearance sales) It's usually pretty stylish and put-together. The pony is always show-ring ready with coordinating saddle pad and boots or wraps!

  9. Considering I walked around with holes in my breeches yesterday, Ries wine
