
Friday, May 29, 2015

Here Goes Nothing

not our most shining moment. also not our worst.
You might recall how last year, I signed Courage up for a totally do-able event derby at crossrails and then proceeded to have an epic brain melt (I don't xc) and failed miserably.

It was horrible.

Soooooo. On that logic, I signed up again this year.

since there's no IRL black and white filter
At ground poles.

I'm looking at it this way: I hate showing green horses. The only way to make them less green is to show them. That's never going to happen if I'm miserable.

And the only way to not be miserable at an event derby is to basically do a trail ride instead of any actual jumps. (For goals purposes, I am totally counting this as a jumping show. HA!)

and lots of wet saddle blankets
Courage has all the talent I'll ever need. I can ride well at home. Riding at shows is a whole different skill set and we need to start honing it if we're ever going to progress. We're literally doing intro A and riding through a field over poles, which seems like a decent starting place.

I hesitate to even say all this before the show, given that karma is not my friend this year, but fingers crossed we won't be the only people to get disqualified from the ground poles division...



  1. You guys will be GREAT! Good luck, and don't forget to have fun :)

  2. Try visualizing what you want for the day (starting tonight) and use that as your go to when your mind gets anxious! You are setting you both up for success and I think you'll do great! I was reading this great article about a Dom Scramm clinic in Washington the other day and this woman had a very hot mare who baited her long time rider into fighting with her making her un-rideable sometimes... Dom's advice was to "ride her like she's sweet, rider her like she's not a hot horse" and as soon as her rider did that the mare softened. I think this gets into us projecting our worries on our horses and being baited by their naughty/evasive maneuvers. Sometimes we just have to ride them a bit differently than we are expecting:)

  3. You and Courage will rock it and I'll be you both will come away with more confidence and experience! Best of luck!

  4. woo hoo hope you guys kill it at the show!! (and it totally counts toward your jumping goal!)

  5. I'm with 900... make intro A and ground poles your beotch!

  6. You're lucky. There are no intro/ground like events in my area. I have searched far and wide.

  7. You're going to have an excellent time. I wish I could be there!

  8. Just go and have fun, I know you guys can do it :)

  9. Poles totally count! You'll do great, just go have fun :)

  10. All my crossables are crossed!

  11. Good luck to you both. You'll be fine.

    If not? Sometimes you have to look at it like this---> "If I'm going to screw it up, better to do it early on and get That out of the way!!!"

  12. Hope the show was good!! Hate green horses and shows, too. Sometimes I wish I had all the $$ and could just send them to a million shows without me.
