
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Well Here Goes

There's nothing quite like getting fantastic new dressage pictures to motivate me to make plans. I mean, I realize the above shot isn't exactly god's gift to dressage, but Courage is moving forward in an appropriate balance for his training and I'm actually sort of starting to sit up and those things make me happy.

My primary goal for Courage is just to be the horse I can have fun on, whatever fun looks like on any given day. We are actually doing really well with that, but I also when something to push us as a more long range goal.
goal: kickass wrap job complete


I want to get my USDF Bronze Medal on Courage.


Now it's out there.

I've never ridden about 2nd level at home, never showed above first. I've never been a polished and fancy dressage rider.
But Courage is a solid horse and we're taking lessons. And there's no reason we can't do it, right? We don't have to compete against fancy warmbloods ridden by pros to get a medal. We just have to get 60% or better at first, second, and third level (while possessing the appropriate memberships).

I know, "just". Ha!

It doesn't mean changing up our program or anything, really. I still have jumping goals with Courage and we're definitely going to keep hacking and trail riding and competing and you bet your ass one day he's going to work cows and maybe do a trail class.

It just means that now we're serious about getting to third level. Someday.
battle scars and all


  1. Awesome!!! I think you are both totally capable, especially since you haven't put your training on a timeline.

  2. OMG. Did I even tell you that this is my secret goal with Mo? Is our mind-melt status this complete?

    Anyway, of course you can do it. He can do it. You're gonna get that bronze.

  3. Great goal! You can totally do it!

  4. Fun! I made the same goal this year, and I'm super excited about tackling it. The wonderful thing is that you can spread it over as many years as you want, so that makes it absolutely the best long term goal! Excited for you guys :)

  5. A super goal that will probably change both your lives! Best of luck, I know you can do it!

  6. If I were the kind of person who wasn't afraid to set goals I would say that Tucker and I are aiming for the same goal, but I'm too much of a wimp to write things like that on the internet, so instead I'll just say that it's a great goal for you and Courage and I totally support it!

    1. JOIN US

      We need someone who isn't stuck at training and below. ;-)

  7. Love that goal! You can do it!

  8. You can absolutely do it! Excellent goal!

  9. woo hoo love it!! first the bronze, and then the world!

  10. I just told someone yesterday that this is the goal for me and Theo! We need to start a club, the 'chasing our Bronze' club.

    1. Yes.

      Though I was thinking more of a support group. Are you on facebook?

    2. Yes I'm on FB, and yes, we need a support group, because we are all clearly nuts.

    3. Email me! I um... stalked you on the internet and... found your name, but facebook isn't being helpful. Let's set this up.

  11. Excellent!! Nice to have things to work towards.

  12. Excellent! I can't wait to (continue to) read about all your dressage adventures, yay!

    1. Want to be group adviser? Ha! Who wouldn't want to online coach a bunch of ammy ladies through the lower levels for free?

      Anyways. Much respect. Bronze is like gold, if you don't know anything about colors or metal.

  13. Awesome goal! You can totally do it. I'm excited to hear all about it!

  14. That's a great goal! Woohoo! :)

  15. You are both completely capable of getting there! You look awesome in the pics!

  16. 1. Those pics are beautiful 2. That's a kickass goal that you're totally going to kick ass at 3. Wanna come play in a trail class here? That sounds so fun!

  17. I really like the USDF medals -- such a cool way to celebrate progress without being ALL about the ribbons, which really just shows who you beat on a certain day

    1. I love ribbons and beating people too. This does not negate that.

  18. You can do it. Courage looks good and so do you, so just keep up the good work and, keep up the positive attitude. I'll be waiting to see that medal.

  19. I not-so-secretly want my Bronze some day too! I also want USEA gold at least at one level!

  20. OMGGGGGG I'm so excited to read this! I think working towards your USDF bronze is such an amazing goal, and you and Courage will definitely be able to achieve it! I know that you and Courage have had your, um, frustrations for the past while, but it seems like you are both in a great place now and are really building a wonderful partnership together! I'm really excited to read about your upcoming shows and the progress you're making. Good for you!! :)

  21. You two are 100% capable of getting your Bronze. There is no doubt in my mind. If I can do it on my Indiana-mutt-bred downhill horse, then ANYONE can.
