
Monday, October 19, 2015

First Clip in the Books

can't freehand a star yet
I swore off clipping until the end of October this year, but between 80f+ temps and Courage getting super hairy, even a quick 20 minute ride ended with him in a lather. I found myself with a few unexpected free hours on Saturday, so I busted out the clippers and went crazy.

I love a good full body clip, but Courage isn't in that hard or consistent work right now and I'd like his blanketing to be as low-maintenance as possible. With this clip, he still has most of his hair, but the areas that get most hot are bare.

Courage is the sort of horse that does have to be blanketed in the winter, as he loves getting dirty and HATES being brushed. I just don't want to make it an issue before we have too. It's still warm enough that we'll be doing the constant blanket on/off routine for the foreseeable future, and that's just a pain.

So yes. Round 1=chaser clip and shoulder hearts.


  1. I am thinking a chaser clip for this year, too! Love the hearts :)

  2. That is one nice straight diagonal line! He looks smashing. I think Irish clips are the best! This has long been my go-to clip for the winter. To me it's the perfect balance of function, and aesthetics when playing the body clip balancing act game. Hope you have less sweaty rides now!

    1. My straight line looks terrible in person. So sad.

  3. I hate you a little. I'm on clip #3.

  4. I am holding off on clipping until the absolute last possible minute... which may or may not be a terrible decision.

    1. I was trying to do that, but it's been so hot here. :-(

  5. I always wondered what those clips were called! Looks great, I love the heart!

  6. Our barn isn't doing blanketing service yet so Pongo is staying fuzzy another couple weeks. Plus I cannot find my clippers in the garage :/

  7. I love that clip! Courage looks awesome. Wait till you see the shitshow clip job that I did to my poor horse!

  8. You know what my MIL uses religiously that saves her TONS of grooming time and may just work for C-rage? Kool koats! They are those white blankets, and if her horses can stand around in paddocks in them in the 95+ degree central CA summer, perhaps they aren't that insane? Seriously, with those things on year round it not only diminishes hair growth but grooming is like a few quick swipes with a brush. I'd never seriously considered them but maybe I will.

    1. Haha. I have used those. Courage gets rubs really quickly, so I avoid putting things on him when I can and now it's started raining, so I don't want him in cotton. If I were showing seriously and cared if he bleached, I'd definitely be using one. :-)

  9. You shall come to my barn and clip my horse for me. My chaser clip always ends up higher and higher as I try in vain to make both sides even.

  10. Clipped Georgie this weekend too! Did a body clip because of the Cali trip, but I do love a nice trace. Jealous of your heart

  11. Love it!
    I'm about to do round 2, I think this weekend or next. I might do all of it this time, Cosmo is so woolly.

  12. I wish I could clip! Normally calm and quiet Sydney turned into a raging lunatic as soon as I turned on the clippers. Attempts at desensitizing her have been disastrous and resulted in her just about flipping herself over at one point. After that incident I gave up!
