
Monday, November 2, 2015

Barn Friends are the Best Friends

I blame JenJ for getting my culturally irrelevant self started on the Justice Crew. I had a pretty kickass weekend--fun with pony friends, sportsball, breeder's cup, bollywood... I like weird stuff. (Anyone want to watch Quantico?)

Anyways. This song struck a chord with me.

In case you hate videos, happiness, or music (not judging), here's a breakdown of the lyrics with vastly-improved visuals. 

At the end of the day

Some you win, some you don’t

So I’m glad that I’m here

With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you’re not alone

Singing la la la la

Que sera

(Here we go, yo)

Yesterday is history (oh)

You gotta get through it

Tomorrow is a mystery

So let’s just do it

And even when the rain falls

You and I will stand tall

No matter what you go through

I’ll never leave you

So you gotta be strong (strong)

Live by the words of the song (song)

Together is where we belong (long)

Never stop dreaming

Keep holding on
I may be a grown ass adult with a real job and life responsibilities and hard stuff (tm) to sort through, but my constant has been the friends I make in the barn. I think the massive responsibility of caring for a thousand+ pound animal makes for the most kind, caring, hilarious, understanding and mature friends a girl could ask for.

I'm incredibly lucky to have the friends that I do, and I always know they'll be there to back me up in a crisis, talk me off the ledge, celebrate my victories, and cry with me when I lose. And I know that, because I'm there for them the exact same way. 

So here's to barn friends, new and old. I'd be sunk without them.


  1. Just. Stop. I'm going to cry. #bestpost

  2. :) Barn friends are the best friends

  3. I pretty much love that song...

  4. Aw! What a great lovey post! Y'all are lucky to have each other!

  5. Such a creative and touching post. I love it!

  6. Well said Sprinkler Bandit. Well said.

  7. love it - three cheers for barn friends :D

  8. Well said. Love it!

  9. Barn friends are the best friends! Love this post

  10. Great posts. Great Friends. You guys always seem to be having so much fun together.

  11. Such a great post! My friends have been so supportive these days, they've been literally holding me together. And almost all of them are horse girls. We are so lucky to have our barn friends!

  12. I have the bestest friends. You even got me to listen to the song. Not bad for not metal ;)

  13. Who else can understand why we are never home, have no money to do non horsey things and enjoy it when we talk non stop about our horses??? Horsey friends are the best!!
