
Monday, November 23, 2015

Project Video

Y'all know that video makes me cringe, but I am forcing myself to take it, watch it, and learn from it. So. Here's a few snap shots of where Courage and I are lately on the road to first level.

Here's day one of the clinic we did two weekends ago:

First we worked on creating suppleness and quality in the trot

Then canter in both directions

The next day (you can tell from my fabulous outfit!), we added in leg yields.

And we worked on more correct canter transitions and position.

But I can't ride in clinics all the time. This past week (wearing good luck gameday colors that did NOT pan out), I threw all of that out the window and rode poorly on my own.


In fairness, while it wasn't a great piece of riding by me (and I asked for video solely so I could get a good gameday screenshot to instagram), there are moments in the trot and canter that have some good quality. Even with whatever-it-is I'm not doing in the saddle.

It's not fantastic, but I keep reminding myself that not only does this help me progress now, but also I'm building a library for comparison for the future. Then when I feel bad about how I'm riding, I can be like "but LOOK what I used to be like in 2015". ;-)


  1. I actually really like the trot in that last video because he's moving out a bit more than he was in the indoor. His canter looks very relaxed too. And YAY leg yields!

  2. Your progress is much more obvious in video form!

  3. Love seeing videos! And it's so great to see the progression. I also agree with JenJ about the trot - it's so much more improved in the last video.

  4. What a lovely tail he has grown!

  5. Hi there :) I think you guys look just fine. Enjoyed the videos

  6. Um, you're riding outside. I'm jealous. Also, good on you to do the video project. I hate videos of anything but xc...

  7. You guys look great! It will be so nice to have these videos to look back on in a few years. Even if they're painful now (they aren't bad at all! But I understand not liking video).

  8. I'm with you on hating video, but it is nice to look back and see how far you've come. Also, I think you're doing a good job!

  9. i pretty much love the video. always. also i kinda love the clinician's way of teaching in your vids above
