
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Teach Me Tuesday: Pony Pictures

I will unabashedly admit that the whole reason I have a smartphone and use the internet is pony pictures. If all horses photos were banned from the internet tomorrow, I would never use it again.

Because that is my operating philosophy (and because my mom was camera crazy), I pretty much photograph EVERYTHING my horse does and in turn, try to talk my friends into photographing EVERYTHING I do on him. Need proof?

Probably not, but I'll show you anyways. I am sitting in front of a computer, not taking pictures. Here's fascinating stuff I've photographed Courage doing in the last 6 months:

that time he cut his face

that time he sweated through a saddle pad

eating grass

taking a bath

rainbow reins!
watch dressage
jump a water trough
use a round pen
look at a dog
pee in his stall
 Remember, these are images I took for my own amusement, not something I scoured up to weird people out.

So uh. How important are pony pictures to you? Do you take them every day? Occasionally? Never? Pay for pro photos? iPhone it up?


  1. I take photos every single time I go to the barn, no matter if it's of my horses in the cross ties, in a stall, riding, running or just looking cute. I take videos of random stuff we do to take screenshots of later.
    Photos are super important to me. I bought a $600 camera just so I could have better pony photos. I now take equine photos for other people.
    I'm addicted to pony photos, lol. I love them because you can go back and see progress and it shows what you've worked on and etc. Just makes following blogs and being friends with horse people via the internet more personal. :)

  2. haha. hahaha. yea i, um, i take a lot of pictures. mostly crappy pictures, sometimes surprisingly pretty. i have an intense urge to document... everything. and as such, my blog essentially doubles as a photo album. i have no shame tho when it comes to posting them, tho am always super grateful when i can get my hands on actual nice-quality photos

  3. love love love those rainbow reins!
    Without pony pics, my internet would be boring....

  4. One of my new horse friends up here told me the other day that I take more horse pictures than anyone she knows. I was like, uh, what. There is no such thing as a lot of horse pictures. There are just horse pictures, and they should all be shared on every social media site available.

    1. Haha right? My horse does it, there it is photographed.

  5. Oh geeze. I have so many horse photos. I love pro photos, sometimes I am the pro taking photos, and my phone always has so many pictures of Val that I have to upload them once a week so I don't fill up my memory.

  6. LOL, I did... Now I have a phone full of baby photos instead. Sorry Pongo!

  7. Oh gosh- never enough pony pictures! I love all the silly Foster moments on my iPhone... but I will say, I am so happy I got him all dolled up for some "pro" pics before his surgery- those images are especially special to me!

  8. I take terrible photos all the time. Right now I haven't been taking any because my phone doesn't have a case so it stays in the car. But normally we rock the awkward photo. If people don't like my photos they don't have to read my blog. That being said I try not to spam Facebook. I equate it to baby pictures on my Facebook. I don't want to see your baby pooping and they don't want to see my pony pooping. So I use my blog and Instagram as my outlet. But bring on the pony pictures! I love them all. The good the bad and the ugly.

    1. I block the baby picture people. It does not offend me if they reciprocate.

      Like. It's a baby. It basically just lays there. And shrieks.

    2. Yes!!! Finally another person that does that! I *might* have gotten a little excited to find someone that doesn't like baby pictures. :)

  9. I wish I had someone to take more pony pictures for me!

  10. I take photos of my horses every time I see them! They're usually awful or awkward, and I never have photos of myself because no one else is ever around. But that's okay, because I have pictures of my ponies and when I look at them, I smile!

  11. I take a lot of pics, but I also delete a lot of pics because really, how many Paddy nose pics does one need? Besides, it's embarrassing to have to scroll through 12374892398 horse pics to find pics of your kids or husband. Whoops.

  12. When I remember to, the battery is charged and the SD card has room. At the moment?

    Let's just say the odds aren't in my favor...

  13. Hilariously, I have a billion pictures of my friends' horses... and maybe a hundred of mine. I mean, okaaaay, sure, I just got them (omgIgotponiesforChristmas) and one of them is only six months old, but the other has been at my friend's place the whole time I have. How do I only have a handful of pictures of her? I must fix this...

    Side note: where on earth did you get those rainbow reins? I know a couple of people that would love those...

  14. I take thousands of pictures. The vast majority are of one of my dogs, but Nilla and Dijon are a close second. Then my husband's horse and the other dog. I don't dislike the 2nd dog, she just always shrinks/hunches and looks like she's being beaten and abused when you try to take a picture of her.

  15. I love photos and am so glad smartphones have cameras!!!! Now to find awesome friends like yourself and the musketeers who like taking pictures as much as I do so i can have even moar horse photos for the memoriez

  16. I go back and forth, sometimes I take a lot of pictures at the barn and sometimes I don't, it mostly depends on how much storage I have. Sometimes it runs out :( I think once as I can get a new phone (and it isn't so dark when I'm at the barn), it will be FULL of pony pictures.

  17. Some great shots! Love the rainbow reins and the shot of him jumping!
    When my boy was around I would photo each time I visited him.

  18. All photos, always! I'm trying my hardest to keep track of my C's progress and how he changes as he grows up. And I love, love, love when people come out and take photos during events! Side note, in combination we have C-men. (I also just cackled at that because it's an unwittingly inappropriate pun, but I promise the first time I wrote it, it wasn't on purpose)

  19. Photos of everything all the time. I've had my horse 6 years. How many pictures do I need of her standing in the crossties? Lots, I tell you.
