
Friday, February 5, 2016

Maybe Maybe XC Boots

A couple times lately, I've talked about jumping Courage. Or rather not. ;-) But then Amanda did her XC Boot Write up. And Cob Jockey. And I have a boot problem. And then I did a show schedule for us, and realized it was technically possible to make it to some derbies and if we do derbies this year, we're moving up to cross rails, which is you know, ACTUAL JUMPS.
or at least they are the way we jump them
And that almost justifies real XC boots. 

But not quite. 


I (barely) kept my hands in my pockets through Riding Warehouse's various sales this winter when I could have gotten a full set of Majyk Equipe boots for $120 shipped. GAH WANT SO BAD. (Not gonna lie--it helped they didn't have white.) 

But some of the terrain we derby on is less-than-ideal and it seems cool to have actual(ish) xc boots and I don't want to tear up my pretty open fronts in a field. Or get the fluffy dressage boots all full of stickers.
too pretty for stickers
 But $120 that I decidedly don't need to spend (at least not on boots. Memberships, on the other hand...)

I got looking around. I really wanted white boots, probably as some sort of psychological overcompensation for being terrified of having to find an acceptable pair of white breeches BY MAY (have I even looked? no). Because you know, thick white boots over attractive non-fatty legs seems WAY SAFER than white spandex+my ass.

Cough. Wow. That went a little deeper than I meant.
you'll note they don't jiggle
 I stumbled across a full set of white woof boots for $40 shipped. They ticked all the boxes, were 1/3 the cost of the original idea, and are already at my house. They aren't glamorous and technie and cool, but they'll protect Courage's legs if and when we get to the crossrails derbies this year, and hey, if the ground ever thaws and I'm riding in the mud, GREAT. 


  1. Woof boots are good all around brushing boots. Not XC boots, but they should suit your purposes for sure. You'll have to let us know how they hold up, I've heard varying things about the newer ones!

  2. Love my woof boots for trails, they actually stay on in mud and don't absorb water!

  3. If it makes you feel any better I kind of want a set of XC boots for trail rides.........

  4. Check out RW for breeches, they have a few pairs of Tredstep whites for $79.

    1. Ummm. The pair of tredsteps I already have in no way makes me think buying them in white would be a good idea. Thanks tho. ;-)

  5. I do xc in woof boots, as do many people I know at the lower levels. I really like them, they are easy to care for and dry quickly. We actually have a "good luck" set of whites in the barn for photographing sales horses:)

  6. Whhhhhhyyyyy must horse stuff be so expensive?! Maybe you could sell other tack you have but don't use to make up the difference so you can get the good ones??

  7. pretty sure i have those exact same boots and have LOVED them so far - and they so far haven't slipped or moved around on my mare's tiny legs at all (something we typically struggle with). plus white boots = fancy. it's just a fact.

    also fwiw, if you ever *do* decide you need real xc boots, i have a pair of medium MEs that are not the greatest fit for the mare and would potentially be happier in a new home...

  8. No need for white breeches! I did First in my light tan breeches and no one even noticed! My position isn't good enough for white breeches and white gloves. Black gloves and tan breeches are totally acceptable, especially if you find a stock tie with some cream and gold flowers on it. I found one. I looked spiffy and my butt was not sending children screaming and crying in terror.

  9. We coasted around Training and a couple Novices in a full set of those exact boots. No one died, Bobby's legs didn't get hot, they didn't weigh a hundred pounds after multiple passes through water, yada yada. They will suit your needs just fine.

  10. I've got a set of black Nunn Finer "American Style" galloping boots if you want them...

  11. If you need white breeches and can't go for light tan ... you might try the FITS again. Their white breeches plus the Wunderbreech seem downright amazing. That's why you need to come visit me: we can drive down to Atlanta and hit all the tack stores!!

  12. Ooo why is Emma tempting us with things! I totally count Woof boots as xc boots, I think they are completely suitable through training level.

  13. I WILL be getting ME when that tax return hits hahaha

  14. I love my Trizone XC boots for trail & XC. With water and what not I can't wrap my mind around white boots. They're gonna be a hot mess, or maybe make you look fierce like you just owned a spartan race, haha! Could be a new thing!!! Come play with us at #goalbreeches and get excited for white breeches this show season, girl! I'm sure you know already, but you can also show dressage in light colored breeches too, doesn't have to be white.

  15. I have had several pair of Woof boots throughout the years, and have always liked them.
