
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Teach Me Tuesday: Stable to Street

Marissa made a couple of posts lately about what being a horse girl means in her life and it got me thinking: how does your interaction with the horse world change the way you interact with the rest of the normal-people world?

I know it's changed me.

From Izzy, I learned that I was tougher and braver than I ever thought. I learned how to peel myself up off the ground, get back in the saddle, and just keep kicking.

I also learned when to say enough. I learned that it's better to be a little smarter and a little less brave than to just keep forcing something that's never going to work.

From Cuna, I learned that partners are there for each other, that life is supposed to be fun, and that a relationship means you take care of each other no matter what.

Courage is still with me and I hate to draw conclusions because that is just too ominous, but I will say that the relationships forged in the barn have proved over and over to be the strongest and most meaningful in my life. No one understands a horse girl quite like another horse girl.

So what about you--how have the people and horses in your life made you a better, stronger, or more interesting person?


  1. Horses have taught me patience more than any other animal. They have also indirectly taught me the art of zen, because I can completely zone out everything around my when I'm in the saddle. Being in the barn has taught me to be tough and independent and in control of my surroundings. And I have made some of the most amazing friends in and around horses.

    That being said, horse people can be cut-throat and competitive. The only negatives I have ever experienced in the horse world have really involved people. Bad trainers. Barn drama. The green beast of Envy frequently roams around most barns, to the detriment of people who just want to have fun (like me!). So they've taught me to really flush out a person before committing a friendship. Not sure if that's a good thing haha.

  2. One of the best things about horse girls is that they're there for you 110% of the time inside and outside the barn. I've never found a better friend who will truly go to the ends of the Earth and back for you.

  3. I second the patience. So much of it. Happy for that. I've never really thought about this too much truth be told, but horses also make me more grateful for employment and the value of a dollar. I'm also really great at bargain shopping. HAH

  4. I've got more patience and I'm a better communicator. Having to read subtle body language in horses has taught me to do the same with people. I am more empathetic when it is called for and I step more cautiously around people who are angry and about to blow. Conversely, I'm able to diffuse a situation/confrontation before it gets going because I read people better based on subtle body language. It's been a HUGE help personally and professionally!

    1. ^ This! So very true right here! I've been told I'm too sensitive but it's because I react to more than just words: I react to other people's energy and body language. It has helped me read them so much is making me almost *like* people. Almost.

  5. Tesla has taught me to be more assertive, and in contrast, to also be more effusive with praise, both skills that are serving me well at the barn and everywhere else!

  6. I'm definitely more other horse people. Non-horse people find it interesting when I explain what a horse show is all about, so I guess I am sort of interesting to them as well. I also smell much more interesting, thanks Cosmo.

    I do have better patience and understanding as a result of horses, I think. And many many great friends thanks to horses.

  7. I learned to make appropriate goals, but not cry over not making them. I've learned that perfectionism has its plusses, but you gotta leave room for improvement. I've learned to be patient, but firm; to laugh at myself in times of extreme embarassment; to not panic or obsess about minor things; to understand budgeting to an extreme degree; to forgive readily; to continue to love through moments of hate; and to keep white things stunningly white.


  8. I don't even know where to start. I can't remember not riding as a child. I do know horses have given me more things than I can possibly list. They have taught me how to be diplomatic but strong. That life is full of highs and lows but you will come out stronger. What true happiness feels like and also gut wrenching sadness. Not to apologize for who I am because there is always someone who will appreciate you for you and the rest don't matter. I might steal this and make it into a post. But horses have truly shaped who I am and who I want to be.

    1. *Doesn't matter* apparently I am also adopting southern grammar... :)

  9. Oh horses and the lessons they teach us, whether we want to learn or not. Humility, patience, flexibility, compassion, trust.... And while I have learned some lessons from horse *people* along the lines of what NOT to do, mostly I'm in awe of some of my closest horse friends. I actually routinely refer to my eventing partner in crime as my "life coach" bc she legit makes me be a better person despite me kicking and screaming the whole way haha

  10. Horses have taught me to be humble. Things in life don't always go to plan and horses have taught me that harsh reality - but they've also shown me how much hard work pays off in the end. And you are quite right - no one understands a horse girl like another horse girl does <3

  11. Horses have taught me how to work, and work hard. To pick myself up and dust myself off again, and again, and again. To be humble, and that mistakes happen and they are not the end of the world. To be patient, and compassionate, and attentive to the needs of another being. Horses have taught me flexibility and bravery. And my horse friends are my BEST friends... they are the people I trust with my life, the friends I can call in tears after a bad ride or show and they will hug me and drink with me and then tell me to get my ass back in the saddle and try again.

    Love this post... I'm tearing up reading everyone's comments!
