
Friday, July 1, 2016

DQ Wish List Extravaganza

For several very-convincing reasons, I'm on (another) indefinite horse-spending freeze. It's fine--I really have all I "need" for Courage and let's face it--dressage only really requires a pretty minimal amount of equipment. I have all that and more plus a rubbermaid bin of polos.

But of course, the moment the shopping is off limits, I started creating a giant list of things Courage absolutely CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT, as one does. I'll just put two three things here so I don't look like the obsessive weirdo I might actually be.

1) Full set of Dressage Sport boots in pink with black fleece. 

No, I'm not a pink person. Yes, I ride a gelding. And if you're wondering, pink usually looks sickening on him and every pink thing I've ever bought for him has ended up with Lindsey because she both likes pink and has horses that look good in it.
just... not his look
So obviously, these are necessary.

2) PS of Sweden pale pink summer collection monogram pad
No, it doesn't match the boots AT ALL. I just want it, ok? I don't know why. Again, not a pink person and pink is not a great color for C. I. Just. Want. It.

Apparently I'm on a pink kick that no one notified me about. Sue me.

3) Ovation Elena Shaped browband.
Do I need a browband? No. Is Amelia working on readjusting some of my old strands so I can use them on C LITERALLY AS WE SPEAK? Yes.
modeling talents provided by useful friend
On the other hand, I've seen this in person and loved it (even made a useful friend try it on) and REALLY wanted it, but I couldn't justify the shockingly affordable price because it was a size too big for someone's teeny head COURAGE.
he's super concerned

Sigh. I'd better stop there or I really will look crazy. Am I missing something truly fabulous?


  1. Sigh. I'm on a spending freeze pretty much FOREVER at this point (thanks, vet bills). And I really wanted a new helmet because mine smells like @$$. Oh well.

  2. That PS saddle pad is GORGEOUS. I love rose gold colored things.

  3. i wanted this to be about 50 items longer. that browband is SWEET and im IN LOVE with the saddle pad.

    and as a person who has obnoxious purple hidey boots you clearly need those too.

  4. Why are there only three things on this list? I think you're holding out on us...

  5. I've got those pink boots! I've had them not quite a year and one of the backs has a seam that's starting to come out. I don't even use them daily. Bummed because they actually look decent on my plain bark bay unicorn!

    1. My boots won't last forever anyways because C actually does interfere.

    2. Have you tried having the stitching repaired? Its a fairly easy job. I had to alter a lot of things for my pony- splint boots, bell boots and a lot of other things. Next time I will get a pony of a more normal size. Or at least try to.

  6. I'm not a dressage rider, but I'm kind of drooling over the saddle they used to model that pad...

  7. I may or may not have a large pinterest board wish list filled with horsey things that I NEED. Of course the pink DSBs are on it. In fact they were the very first thing I put on it, and I have been coveting them for years...

    1. Clearly we need to be Pinterest friends.

    2. Well, clearly! I'm not super Pinterest savvy, but I like putting pretty things in lists ;)

  8. I clearly need to buy a pony that is not orange so I can have that saddle pad. SO PRETTY.

  9. Pink isn't my fave... I do have navy boots though and they are lovely ;)

  10. I just bought a set of DSB boots and I'M SO GLAD I DID I NEEDED THEM. NO REGRETS.

  11. Emi has the pink boots and I love them. I just bought Emi a dressage saddle so I'm on a spending freeze too!

  12. I HATED pink when I was little but now I sort of love it and dress Katai in it all the time. I have pink boots for her, different ones, and get a lot of compliments on them and I love them!

  13. I love that saddle pad! I wish Sydney looked better in pink. Purple and teal seem to be her best colors.

  14. I've been on credit card lockdown for a while now since RJ's surgery and now I need to get a new saddle because mine darn near cripples Indy. I mean, yeah, I love saddle shopping and the smell of new leather and all, until I see what it's gonna cost me. Sigh

  15. :(
    none of the pictures are working for me. wahh

  16. The bank account screamed for a freeze and has gotten it. Sort of. Some things just don't wait.

    I have coveted those boots for quite some time, only in white. Not a fan of pink since it clashes with my hair and skin tone. Ot just don't work for me

  17. Lovely things but that photo of Courage- I'm pretty sure he's saying 'help me'. :)

  18. Love that browband...drool. I'm beyond frozen, I have to sell stuff :(

  19. so i couldn't exactly claim that pink is my red mare's best color.... but she's kinda an asshole anyway so she'll wear what i want and that saddle pad is relevant to my interests....

  20. I could quite easily convince myself I need everything on that list. I also may be the only person to think this.. but I like your horse in pink! Haha, he may hate me for saying that. I'm sure he's a really manly man.. but he totally pulls pink off in my book.

    Which is handy... I have a bay gelding and I'm liking the looks of these pink things you're sharing ..... LOL

    1. They have that pink saddle blanket in gold! I'm dead.... >.<

  21. I'm also not a pink person but that rose gold saddle pad is heaven ♡♡♡
