
Monday, August 22, 2016

This One Time, I Jumped My Horse

If you've been around here long enough, you probably remember how I desperately wanted Courage to be a jumper.

Needless to say, we gave that up.

I do try to pop over jumps from time to time, but last time I tried that, it was the definition of a shit show and set our training back several weeks. I just dropped it. Courage can jump and is pretty honest, but he DOESN'T want to be a jumper and he's been VERY clear about that.

But then Lindsey got a fancy new French monoflap jump saddle and I just HAD to get some butt time with that thing.
plus hadn't tried her pink stirrups
It's too small for me and the flap is all wrong, but OMG you guys I've always said a monoflap was my dream jump saddle and now I've sat in one and it really, really is.

I felt so balanced and secure and happy. It was amazing. I really focused on keeping Courage loose through his topline because his default over fences is to get jammed up and pissed off, and well...
requisite first jump back
His first jump is always exuberant and this was no exception, but look! That's not terrible.

We played with the tiny crossrail until he got a little bored.

I felt so great. Confident. Happy. Not a single twinge of nerves. So much of riding this horse is mental and wow it is huge to be able to ride through things without him trying to check out on me.

I even asked Lindsey to raise the jump and I got this:
apparently i now have a kickass auto release so that's cool
look who can land in balance without pissing off
loose rein pats for a good boy
French saddles are magic, people. It's a good thing I already sold my soul for the Precious because that means I can't buy my own but if you see me on a street corner, think nothing of it and just keep driving. We have no plans to be jumpers at this point, but it was fun to mix it up and omg SADDLE.

As JenS pointed out (it's not fair when tiny pony people who do dressage also have the same name, but I digress JenJ), all the dressage is starting to pay off for Courage over fences. He's finally learned to give through his topline and gained a lot of strength and flexibility, where he used to reply on sheer athleticism and attitude.

He's still not going to be a jumper, but as someone who enjoys dabbling in lots of things, I love the opportunity to actually enjoy myself over jumps.


  1. That looks like you were both having fun! I like the design of the saddle. I haven't jumped in years but at some point would like to see what Princess Carmen thinks of the whole thing. I agree that the dressage is paying off in the jumping.

  2. Looks like you guys had so much fun!!

  3. That's awesome. Yay for developing a well rounded horse (both meanings of well rounded actually apply here haha!).

  4. Yay! That is exciting. We won't talk about my desire for a jump saddle.... ;)

    1. Ha! I possibly tried to buy my other friend's cwd monoflap last night, except it wouldn't fit my horse, my budget, or my discipline. Besides, if I actually owned French Precious, I'd probably try to jump too much that would be a bad thing.

  5. That saddle is gorgeous, and you guys look amazing!

  6. I need a friend with a French precious.

    1. Everyone does. Helps if the friend also gives you free horses and free lessons. ;-)

    2. Oooh your awesome friends are so epic

    3. You're so right. I'll draft an application for new friends immediately.

    4. Out with the old, in with the new!

      Btw I'm keeping my friends. Git yer own.

  7. its too bad he doesnt want to be a jumper bc he does have the god given talent for it.

    its nice to see the dressage translating!

    1. The horse can jog trot a 3'6" square oxer without breaking a sweat. It's absurd how talented he is, but yeah, he does not want to do the job on a regular basis.

  8. You guys look FANTASTIC! Glad you were both having fun with the intentional leaping :)

    1. Thereby marking the second time EVER intentional leaping was fun on this horse. :-p

  9. You guys look awesome! Your position in that saddle is ON POINT! I think you need one. If I see you on a street corner I will definitely toss you some change ;)

  10. hurray for fun in cross training!!! and SADDLES obvi haha :D

  11. Courage looks fabulous over those fences! (And so do you!)

  12. Fab friends with fancy french preciouses are awesome - i needs to meet amazing peeps like your muskateers

  13. It's been my experience that the flat work definitely improves the jumping. With Houston I had to learn to let him move. He's not super interested in jumping correctly though so not the best example but as his dressage work improved so did his rideability over fences. :)

    Glad you had fun and felt your flat work help OF.

  14. Ahhh I'm so happy for you! And JenJ and I have established that we're pretty much twins minus the jousting husband and draft horse, so I wouldn't be offended if you just used us interchangeably. Haha.

  15. You know, you are going to have to jump at least one more time this year while I am out there. Just saying it is part of the rules.

  16. He does look super relaxed and soft in his topline. Lovely boy
