
Monday, July 17, 2017

Found: Strong Black Female Protagonist

When I found out that THE ONE Roxie's Mom had found for me to check out was a solid black mare, I preemptively named her Zoe Washburne.

Because I need a Zoe. Calm under pressure, ready for an adventure, and 1000% reliable.
Armed with two pictures and a phone number, I called a stranger out of the blue about the horse he hadn't even listed for sale.

I found a horseman on the other end of the line, someone who loved his horse very much and was in a similar position that I was with Courage--not the horse for him any more, but he still loved her and he wasn't going to let her go anywhere less than the perfect place.

We talked. I tried to ask intelligent questions and not sound like a complete bumbling idiot (and not ask questions like "what size browband" and "do you think she likes sparkles" which were the only things coming into my head). I managed to not scare him off too badly apparently, because he agreed to email me more information.

Emails were exchanged. I knew the owners would want updates, so I sent my blog information along, only to find out that they'd already googled me and found it... which like... apparently I don't sound like a total idiot (or at least not too much of one), so that's promising. We set up a time for me to meet Ms. Zoe (whom they called Bird), annnnnnd I was off on a whirlwind weekend trip.

I brought a friend with me because I needed objective eyes on the ground. Plus pictures. Always pictures.
I pretty much stepped out of my car and went "omg i love her let's put her in the back seat she's perfect".

And then I was reminded that this was as much her owners interviewing me as it was me meeting Ms. Zoebird.

Lil Ms. Zoebird impressed me very much. I knew going in that she was a four year old Percheron x AQHA/APHA that was bred to be a ranch horse, I knew she had six months of driving training, and I knew she wasn't started under saddle. I didn't know that she moved NICE or that she was a hard little worker with a lot of try and a can-do attitude.

Shoutout to R & J if they are reading--what I promised my friend would be an hour of looking at a horse, then going to the lake turned into a multi-hour adventure with some fascinating new friends. Conversation ranged from breeding to corrective shoeing and even touched on beagles and dog training. I value knowing a horse's history and handling and I'm thrilled that Ms. Zoebird is coming from people like this.

We never did make it to the lake, but armed with pictures and video, we trooped home. The whole trip home was basically me being like "omg i want her she's so pretty and sweet and perfect" and my friend being like "yeah".

Trainer and vet signed off. Shipping arrangements made.

Bloglandia, meet my Zoebird. She arrives this week!!


  1. Yaaaaaay! I'm so excited for you, she's stunning!

  2. Welcome to blog and Zoëbird! You'll be the best dressed poneh ever before you know it 😋

  3. YAY NEW PONY! I hope she turns out to be everything you wanted!


    (but really, what size browband is she?)

  5. Zoebird!!!! Love love love!!! I cracked up reading your 'strong black female protagonist'. Freaking awesome!!! Who doesn't need more of those???

  6. WOO she is gorgeous! Congratulations!

  7. She's incredible!! Congratulations:)

  8. That is wonderful!! Congratulations! :D

  9. ahhhhh I luff her! I hope this is the start of a magical new adventure for you two!

  10. But, will she fit into any of your tack? ;)

    She's a cute, that's for sure.

  11. She absolutely adorable! Congrats! And black is such a great color to show off bling :D

  12. Ahhhh, congratulations! She is gorgeous and DAMN THAT TROT THO

    1. Oops I didn't even post her video. It's great too.

  13. AHHHHH! She's SO CUTE. And she sounds perfect. And she will look GREAT in probably any sparkly browband. And I love, love, love the name Zoebird, so I hope that sticks. Congrats!!

  14. Congratulations! Inquiring minds want to know: Does she wear cob size? Or will you get to go shopping? :)

  15. HOLY HELL what a perfect name! I'm so excited for you!! (I just re-watched Firefly this weekend clearly it's fate)

    1. Obviously fate. Also high five good media taste.

  16. Congrads! So excited for you!

  17. Oh I just want to hug her RIGHT NOW. Can't wait to see more pictures and congratulations!

  18. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. She's cute.

  19. Congratulations! New horses are so exciting and slightly terrifying!

  20. She's perfect! I cannot wait to read about your adventures <3

  21. I luff her! And draft crosses- you know there's a special place in my heart for some big feet and a sweet brain. I can't wait to hear about your adventures together!

    1. Also- can't wait to hear about what you think of riding a horse who was started driving before riding... Having been there a few times, it makes for some kind of funny sensations!

    2. Ha! I'll keep it in mind. I've not had a driving horse before.

  22. She's beautiful. I love her conformation. Much success!

  23. Strong female protagonist. That's like my constant Netflix recommendations for me haha! Zoe is the cutest and I hope you guys build an awesome partnership doing all the things!

  24. Congrats! Cute! Excited to read all about your training process with her. She's cute.

  25. Love that you found a quarter horse cross!

  26. I don't believe I've ever commented on your blog before, but I've been following it for a while, and I am so glad you found such a sweetie <3 Mares are really my faves. Also, LOVE the Firefly reference, and LOVE the name Zoebird! She sounds like she'll be a great match for you! I think although she's not saddle broke, you and her will do just fine :)

  27. I love Zoe Washburn. She's one of my heroes. Zoebird looks amazing and I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to hear more.

    1. ZW is incredible. Hopefully lil miss does her namesake justice.

  28. Been following your blog for a while and I am actually kinda shocked at what you picked - not in a bad way, just didn't think some of the things would be in your criteria!

    Good luck with your new pony!

    1. Ha I should have done a "what horse will sb come home with" poll. I bet there would be some great results.

  29. Congrats on the new horse. Zoe is a great name. Love the reference.

  30. Yay!!! Love the Firefly reference and she looks fantastic!!! I can't wait to see her complete with browband and sparkles ;)

  31. Love Her! Congrats. Can't wait to hear more. Draft crosses rule! Welcome to the club. :)

  32. Congrats! She sounds like such a sweet girl and cute as well!! Super excited for you!

  33. Aww, what a sweet-looking girl. Congrats!

  34. EEEEEEE! I LOVE the name Zoe. So, so excited for you. ...and equally excited to see all of the strappy goods that you purchase for her pretty face.

  35. Congrats...she's going to look awesome in any color! A girl to play dressup with. Loved Courage and I'm a gelding girl thru and thru, looking forward to your adventure!

  36. Ohhhh! A GIRL! You can get pink sparkly things now!
    She's adorable, I'm so excited to learn more about her!

    1. C looked terrible in pink or I'd have it already. I'm very gender neutral about color. ;-)

  37. Love her name and namesake <3 You'll definitely have fun with each other

  38. Love the title of the post!!! You are so witty, can I be you when I grow up? She's lovely, wishing you tons of fun with her.

    1. Well I'm basically 12 so dunno about the growing up part.

  39. She's really lovely! That neck will look SO pretty braided and her color is perfect for sparkles!

    1. Ha I think she needs to fill out a bit before we braid much. ;-)
