
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Unintentionally Amazing

It's probably just the heat getting to me (/turning into an old person), but I have so many people telling me JUST GET ON THE HORSE that yesterday morning, I felt like throwing bricks at the next person who suggested it. We're going SLOW, I have a TRAINER, and the literal SHIT TON OF BAGGAGE I have is not helping anyone. HENCE THE TRAINER.
Alyssa photos!

But Alyssa hadn't been able to meet Zoebird yet (because "competing at Rebecca" is something she does now #badass) so she trooped out to play on a hot, hot afternoon.
I didn't have any big plans--we smooshed Zoe's adorable smooshable face and fed her cookies and laughed about how round and cute she is. Then we put tack on her and I did the simple groundwork stuff we've been doing. I thought about hunting down my trainer's surcingle and driving lines, but it was hot and that seemed like a lot of work, so instead we went to hang out at the mounting block.
she's real cute guys
It's a valuable life skill, right? When her trainer goes to get on her, it will help if she's used to standing next to something, having someone over her, having a little weight in the saddle, etc.

Clearly, Ms. Zoebird was DEEPLY perturbed by all these shenanigans.
many shits given
And Alyssa was like "she looks like you could get right on her" and she was just standing there with a camera and nothing to do, so there would be documentation.


I put my helmet on.

I tightened the girth.
And I got on!

(Well I mean. I weighted the stirrup. Stood up. Got back down. Stood up again. Sat in the saddle. Got back off. A couple times. Then sat down.)
um hello new favorite picture
Zoe didn't even blink. Nada. She was just standing there now with me on her.
what friends are for
It is 2017 so I was like IDEA I WILL RIDE OVER THERE AND GET MY PHONE TO TAKE A SELFIE but then realized that just because you can do shit on your adorable baby horse probably doesn't mean you should, so Alyssa handed me the phone for selfie purposes and after taking a satisfactory selfie, I got off. 
first baby ears pic
It's still the plan to have someone with less baggage do her first real rides and all. But omg!! I sat on my horse and she was fantastic!! 


  1. Replies
    1. It was really hard not to SQUEE loudly, but that didn't seem like good training.

  2. And that's exactly how it's supposed to go! Nonevent. YAYYYYYYY.

  3. you LOOK great on her. Match made!! YAY! so happy (And i really think she is going to be a good 'egg' to break, she has a lovely lovely eye!) YAY!

  4. Would it kill you to show at least a little enthusiasm about this mare? Sheesh. Crack a smile or something. ;)

    (SO THRILLED STILL for you guys, she looks like the perfect horse).

  5. GAH - AMAZING!!! I love it :) :) :)

  6. Go SB and Zoëbird!! What a good brain on that girl.

  7. So cool! I did the same thing with pongo when he was a baby and it ended in the first time I got bucked off pongo. I laughed about then and laugh about it now. Humbling, LOL! Glad Zoe was a sweetheart about it :)

    1. Haha yeah that was my worst case scenario. I don't need those problems.

  8. i like how she doesn't look bored either. like her ears are up and she has a pleasant expression.

    kinda glad you didnt try and ride over and get your phone tho :P altho im sure she'll be fine with that too.

    1. Haha yeah she makes things so easy that I have to be careful not to ask for too much.

  9. Yay! I'm glad you opted to quit while you were ahead and things were going great. Baby steps and all. So exciting that she's so chill about everything though! YAY FOR RIDING ZOE!

    1. Yeah I definitely don't need to create new problems for myself.

  10. So exciting :) A non-event just like it should be. You better watch out with that wild young horse ;)

  11. YES!!! I am so glad you did this. It's pretty special to be the first one on their back. No one can take that from you. ... lol her expression is so funny. "Wow, I must have really exceeded expectations today! All I have to do is stand here!"

    1. Pretty sure she thinks I'm a crackhead with low expectations, but she likes cookies so it evens out.

  12. Such an amazing feeling! And how cool that you are the first person on your own horse!

    1. I keep expecting her to be a thoroughbred and then being shocked when she's not. It's a good feeling.

  13. Finally caught up with reading and now even MORE happy for you!!!

  14. You just look like the perfect pair! I am so excited.

  15. and you look like you belong together :)

  16. Such wild... mane! This is very cute. :D

  17. Yay - now all the riding. I mean ease into it slowly and spend more time grooming :)

  18. She is such a little Smartie Jones! Definitely has the perfect, unflappable, "meh, lolz, whut?" attitude! Geez, the one and only horse that I helped to start was the complete opposite--we could hang off one side, flap our arms around, etc., but the second you put your right leg over his side, he turned into a bucking bronc. I definitely would have preferred a Zoebird reaction!
    And, yay, SPERKLEZ!!!

  19. I just love how HAPPY you look. So glad you found a perfect match.
