
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Important Zoebird Updates!

I know you're all like WHATS ZOEBIRD DOING PRECIOUS.
well we're stupidly cute together
Answer: she is featuring in our fantastic new header!! I'd totally throw a blog link to my header person, but she doesn't really blog. Needless to say, she's super talented and no I'm not sharing (but yes she might make you a header for money if you ask real nice and use paypal).

Lots going on in Ms. Zoebird's world! She's settled into the barn routine like a champion, including grazing with her mini me, smoozing all the other boarders, and learning to eat cookies.
long manes, curly tails
She had her first ride this past weekend! I'm so lucky to be on site with a trainer who really gets baby horses and she has a fantastic assistant who has a really great feel for the young ones.
two thumbs up!
ZB was fantastic! Completely relaxed about the whole thing, with not a twitched ear or quick step. They're taking things nice and slow and I'm really excited about it.

While I definitely farm out the backing process, I'm a ground work pro. I pulled out a spray bottle when Zoebird first showed up and it was definitely not her idea of a good time at that point.
everything is better with a smooshy nose on it
I really find this stuff fascinating--Zo has a fabulous brain and she's a real smart lady, but she has to understand something before she's ok with it. I'm sure I looked like a crazy person walking around the round pen, spritzing liberally while she followed me, but once she figured out it wouldn't bite her, she let me spray it in her mane. We're doing a series of slow, simple sessions in a halter, but I'm confident she'll be completely over it in short order.
ooooo look fancy!

Another fun thing we've been working on is cantering on the lunge line--it's something Zoebird was asked not to do for her driving training. I don't want to get after her about it, but she seems pretty comfortable working with me now. On Sunday, we worked on the "canter now" idea, even if she crossfired or only had a few strides before losing her balance.
houston, we have canter!

Yesterday she actually seemed pretty solid on the concept and moved to doing it saddled in the big arena LIKE A CHAMPION OF CANTERING.

These maybe don't sound like huge accomplishments, but to me they're super exciting. I dropped Zoe into a whole new world with a completely different set of expectations and languages and she's adapting like she was born to be a little sporthorse. She meets me at the front of the stall, she makes my heart go pitter pat, and she's exactly what I wanted.

Happy two weeks, little one.


  1. Good girl, that spray bottle can be pretty spooky if you don't know what it does. Love these little progress reports

    1. She definitely needs to understand stuff, but once she gets it, total non-issue.

  2. Hmmm so there will be a Firefly/serenity reference show name, yes??


  3. ARGH I cant take how cute she is! Also, your new blog header is totally awesome, and worth the money, if I ever need a new one.

    Congrats on 2 weeks with your super fun, fancy new lady!

  4. sounds like you're really loving the green baby process - and she looks to be responding beautifully to your approach. i'm really happy for you!!! :D

  5. OMG she is so cute I cannot stand it!! She seems like EXACTLY what you needed and I'm so, so excited for your future with this little mare!

  6. Love the header and love these updates <3

  7. god her face is impossibly precious. love the hands free group photo with the trainer!

  8. She just seems like such a sweetheart. I'm glad you're having a great time learning with her, and am so excited to watch her progress!

  9. Gah. I can't handle the cuteness! I am SO happy for you both!

  10. YAY to exactly what you wanted!!!!

  11. The image of you wandering around a round pen liberally spritzing the spray bottle all over the place is incredible.

  12. Sounds like she's making fantastic progress and all without really batting an eye. You got a good one :)

    1. She's been so level headed. I keep waiting for her to do something and she just doesn't.

  13. I'm glad she's coming along so well :) and that you have a great team in place to set her up for so much success. Yay SB&ZB!

  14. They are absolutely huge accomplishments and you should be proud! Love the header!!!!

  15. She sounds so perfect for you. Yay team!
