
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Bodies in Space

Ms. Zoebird is a baby mare and her middle name is not grace.

middle name might be "Effort" tho
And yeah, I want her to be my all-around horse, which means I want to jump her eventually.

At four (and a young four at that), I do not want her to jump high or often. It's too much stress for developing joints. Plus, she's butt high right now and as anyone who went through a growth spurt ever can attest (that's all of you except Leah?), changing bodies are murder on balance and body awareness.
that wither lift tho

I talk about this ad nauseum in person too--essentially, I'm completely changing up the little mare's routine and asking her to using her "carrying and pushing" muscles. If you've ever been a fatass (me) and then tried to get in shape (also me), you'll know that  building muscle is f@&%*** painful and takes a long ass time.

So not only is she in an awkward growth spurt, but the potential to make her sore with repetitive exercises she's not fit for (riding) is very high.

That's why we mix it up. This week, I had a fantastic ride with our BEST TROT WORK EVER.
baby mare very tired now
But see, after a hard riding day with lots of new material, it's time to do something else and let her "carrying" muscles have a break.

Here are some facts about Zoe:
1) she thinks jumping is FUN
1) she needs a little help with understanding where her body is in space sometimes
1) she needs a groundwork tune up maybe once a week to make sure she's tuned up

Did anyone else just hear "CAVALETTI DAY"? Cuz I did. 

If you're keeping track, yes I did just totally justify spending a day goofing off with my baby mare as a training day.

I know I say this every day and most of you probably want to punch me in my stupidly happy face, but this little lady is just so much fun. She shows up every day, she tries her hardest, and I can literally watch her learn. I'm definitely laughing at past-SB for thinking she needed a horse with more talent or whatever. Current-SB enjoys going to the barn every single day and P.S. is making a ton more progress than ever before.

PS saying PS reminded me that PS is making custom sized bridles now. Anyone with a money tree want to cough up $ so Zoe can have one? Possibly Zoe's mother has to quit buying shit for a while. 



    Wait, I lost my train of thought.

    PS you can't take it with you, so buy the bridle! 😋😎😂

    1. If it makes you feel any better, I'm only 5'5" on a good day with shoes on ;-)

    2. From my perspective in Hobbiton, 5'5" IS a giantess.

    3. Ok well when you have a "growth spurt", you get very tall very quickly and it changes your center of gravity and it takes your brain a long time to adapt to this change. FYI.

  2. Ugh PS making custom sized bridles now. I need one. But I want one of the cool designs like the High Jump or the Pioneer, and somebody can't do a flash strap.

    Zoe's so cute, and I'm glad you're having so much fun with her.

    1. Ha! Courage couldn't do a flash either, which definitely limited my options. Zoe isn't a huge fan, but at least I can put one on her (loosely) for photos.

    2. Weird opinionated tiny bay Thoroughbreds...

  3. I'm 5'5 toooooooo! You guys are so perfect together.

  4. "needs help understanding where her body is in space" --> yep i feel that in my soul lol

  5. Having a horse like this makes you wonder how you survived without one like this for so long, at least that's what I found!

  6. Isn't it so amazing to just enjoy your horse?

  7. She is soo cute & ponies are so time consuming- we have to feel joy, at part of the time... for me it's the simple things :)

  8. The growth spurt thing is so crazy. Emi was doing that a couple months ago and it was amazing how hard life got for a while with the change in balance. She's better again right now but it's really something to keep an eye on and be considerate of (as I know you are).

    1. I've never had a real baby before, so while I'm intellectually aware of the issues, it's fascinating to actually go through. You guys are definitely role models!

  9. Yeah those growth spurts are killer! I also loved watching her figure out those cavaletti

    1. Wasn't it adorable? She kept trying different things until she found the answer.

  10. I heart her so much. And her ridiculous cuteness

  11. I can't get the whole "she's beauty and she's grace, she's miss United States" from Miss Congeniality out of my head watching this. God Zoe is just the cutest. She looks like the kind of horse you could just have a total blast on for years and years. What a perfect smooshy face pony you have Aimee!
