
Friday, September 8, 2017

Life in the Death Haze

I'm lucky I don't live in the parts of the US that are being wrecked by hurricanes, however, I do live in the part that's drowning in smoke from burning something in excess of a million acres this fire season alone. It's basically like living inside a chain smoker's lungs.
don't you seen the downtown skyline? the mountains? i swear they're over there


The sun doesn't rise.

The smoke just gets a lil brighter.

And since neither I nor Zoe wants to die of emphysema, we've been exploring things to do that don't involve increased respiration.
so round!!

Toodling is always on the agenda. Bareback toodling, even. I can say we're being productive and working on my balance and staying in the middle while building trust and developing Zoe's walk/halt/walk transitions.

Or I can be real and say while those things may apply, I'm loving every minute of having a cool baby mare that I can just pop on bareback with no prep and toodle with.
she's getting a bridle a month at this rate. 

And this is me we're talking about, so naturally there was some very-appropriate tack shopping.

(Me: I need to spend less money.
Me: I will not buy a specialty saddle for a baby horse.

I'll do a better write-up when things arrive. Promise. The stress shopping has been a bit... intense?



My smoke will go on, or what have you.

Which is why we took another day to keep it low key and play in the previously spooky indoor arena.

Question: what do smooshy noses not go on?


  1. hahaha when she raids the plastic bin in the arena- so dang cute!

    1. I actually missed the video the first time so I put the lid back on and she did it again.

  2. Hopefully the smoke clears soon 😔 but I fully support all the stress shopping 😋 that video is so precious. Her knocking the chair over and getting her face into the tote 😂

  3. Gosh, she's a gem. I'm excited for your stress shopping reviews and pics, if only because you haven't enabled me in like... a week. I am concerned ;)

    1. Wow I must be off my game. Look for updates soon. ;-)

    2. YAAAAAS.

      Though I could just go looking through your bridles through the ages to see if I find a style like for the new mare at my house...

  4. So cool you have a baby horse you can just get on bareback and toodle with. Can't wait to see the stress shopping results.

  5. Zoe seems to have quite the future as an interior re-decorator.

    1. Yes. Yes she does. She's very concerned with chi I think.

  6. All of these awful things happening all over this side of the world: hurricanes, fires, earthquakes. Ugh. So sorry you're getting smoked out. Hope it clears soon for you guys!
    I'm fully supportive of stress shopping. I may or may not have stocked up on some crappily made but ridiculously gorgeous bridles in the near past.... I'm blaming you for this since I was never into fancy bridles.

  7. Will this smoke ever clear? I wake up with a headache!! Also, sorry I wasn't exactly helpful in keeping you from purchasing a beautiful bridle. It was just too beautiful to say no!

    1. I mean, if both you and Alyssa are on site and can't say no, clearly it was meant to be.

  8. We have had a lot of smoke too. Thankfully it's starting to clear now.

    So glad you have a horse to toodle on.

  9. I feel bad for all the US right now :( Zoebird def helps and bareback Zoebird is even better!

    1. I dunno how you guys are missing out on all the fun.

  10. Replies
    1. If I had to pick between smoke and ice....

      I would move.

  11. I mean I would be shopping 24/7 if I was surrounded by smoke like that.

    1. I mean. You don't have to go outside or breathe, so that's something.

  12. Being a baby horse and toodling around bareback with my new person is da bomb! She totally gets me and it's so cool. She likes to brush me a lot, is always giving me cookie treats and kisses me on the nose. My person also brings something new almost every time she comes to see me. Who am I to complain if I have all the pretty things?

  13. Blech I hope those fires die down soon! Play time is never a bad idea - most of our horses don't get enough of it

  14. I currently live in Texas and I had to fly up to the PNW just so I could have the worst of both worlds. I now have an actual smoker's cough. The sun was red, when visible. I'm pretty convinced it was actually another planet.

    Yay for toodling and stress-buying bridles!
