
Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving break!

I was out of town all weekend, so Izzy didn't get ridden and obviously, I wasn't online here. I'm enjoying my time off of school. I'm celebrating it by doing lots of homework, going to doctor's appointments, and giving a surprise birthday party for my husband tonight. (It's ok. He doesn't read my blog, so he'll never find out.)

I will try to catch up with the rest of you soon. I hope all is going well!


  1. Like the new header photo!

  2. I had to laugh at the comment "It's okay he doesn't read my blog" mine doesn't read mine either!

    -Denali ( Stupid work computer doens't want me blogging at work. Wonder why? :)

  3. Sounds like a typical "vacation" from school. More work and time spent doing everything except the things you'd really like to be doing instead.

    Happy Thanksgiving in the meantime.
