
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pity Party

Guess what happened last night at about 6.30 pm? Yep, it started pouring rain. I wasn't worried at first. I mean, this is Idaho. It NEVER rains here, and if it does, it's dry within a couple hours.

Think again. Sheets of rain poured down. Lightning flashed. Thunder roared. More rain. It was a lovely storm, really, but it's results on the outdoor arena were devastating. Yep, it's a puddle. That's what happens when it pours rain for 6+ hours, I guess. Grrr.

Which means that we were condemned to the Bubble of Doom (and a dressage lesson). Don't get me wrong, I like dressage. I like what it does for Izzy. I just really, really, really wanted to jump today, especially since I was so good yesterday. But no. That means, we had a good dressage lesson and there are no jumping pictures for you. My apologies, but it can't be helped. Maybe next time... if the arena ever dries out. It's supposed to rain all week I guess.

Anyways. Izzy came into the Bubble nicely, but then had a near-meltdown on the lunge line. I didn't have high hopes for our ride, but I got on, and Cathy got us going well. We did a lot of spiral in/spiral out both directions and some figure eights to get Izzy balanced and responsive. We moved from there to doing little leg yields, which was fun. I hadn't really done those in a while. Then, we did shoulder-fore both directions. It's definitely not Izzy's best move, but we had some nice moments. Izzy really settled in nicely and was ever resting ever-so-slightly into the contact.

I'm quite proud of her.

(Oh, and Nicku: the clinician's name is Kristin Aggers. At least, that's how it's pronounced. I guess I've never tried to spell it before.)


  1. Hmmm not familiar with her! Looks like she is about 2 hours north of me though...Her website is cool, she's had some good accomplishments!

  2. Think on the positive side--at least you had the bubble to retreat into in the face of all that water. Not the ideal, but you can ride in the rain without getting wet. (From one who has no indoor.) *S*

  3. The rains bums me out too but you have the bubble so you still get to ride. Me, I'm stuck until things dry out.

    I hate to tell you this but we had monsoons overnight. That means they're coming your way.

  4. As one who lives for the jumps but recognizes the beauty of dressage, I sympathize. Sometimes when I can't ride and I am itching too (right now for instance) I pull out the horse tapes and great jump pattern articles and get to designing something for the next jumping lesson. May not be quite the same, but at least you still get to work towards your goal. And since dressage is the harder to master, you are one step close after your lesson today :)
