
Friday, April 29, 2011


I literally rained all day yesterday. I know that's normal for other parts of the country, but really and truly, it is unheard of here. I got Izzy out and lunged her in her halter. She was forward and kind of batty, probably because it was so cool that she just felt good.

When I took her to the barn to groom and let her dry out, she was even more batty. Constant wiggling, moving around, spooking at stupid stuff in the cross ties... not gonna lie, I was kind of glad I didn't have time to ride. It's not that she was so very bad, but that she's capable of being so very good that it's hard to be positive when she's even a little bad.

Dressage ride today, then she gets tomorrow off, and we'll see what's going on Sunday.

Also, we're trying out a different jump saddle next week. Cross your fingers for us.


  1. Hey, even the most laid-back ponies can get a little nutty when the weather is bad. Good luck with the saddle!!
