
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Izzy on Video

You can call this a slow news day. I wormed Izzy this morning. She hates being forced to eat stuff, so she kept shaking her head to keep me from getting it in her mouth. It wasn't good training, because she was so ridiculous that I just kept laughing. We finally did get it done and she did swallow the whole thing. Go mare!

To add some visual interest, here's Izzy's last dressage ride. I think it was Saturday... We have some riveting trot serpentines going on.

And some trot canter transitions. She looks good. Wish I was riding.


  1. She looks GREAT-very lovely and SO forward. S seems to be a very nice, quiet rider. I would be itching to get up there too if she were mine:) Very, very nice work.

  2. She does look good! Such a pretty girl. I'm sorry you're not riding... it must be killing you. Hang in there girl.

  3. Izzy's really going well. She is coming along nicely, that's for sure. No wonder you want to ride her so badly. Not long now, and I have a feeling she will be a joy.

    Nice canter work, there and a darn good ride on a lovely girl.

  4. Izzy looks like a really fun, honest horse. Her trot is so cute, especially coming out of the canter. She steps under herself so nicely. I hope you can get back in the saddle soon.
