
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Excited

It’s Friday, Friday
Going riding on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the riding, riding
Friday, Friday
Going riding on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the riding

Sorry, I know it's an annoying song but OMG RIDING ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It depends on the doctor clearing me to go, which I really hope doesn't depend on him both taking and reading a CT scan, because we all know that can't be done on the same day. I'm feeling really good--I even ate tacos with my grandpa yesterday!! Tacos are huge for me, ok? It's a big step up from smoothies and pasta.

So cross your fingers for me, unless you're an Izzy sympathizer. She probably wants to stay semi retired indefinitely.

Here's the wondermare cantering and trotting around yesterday. Someday soon, there might even be a video of me riding her. Fancy that!


  1. Izzy looks great, as usual. Fingers crossed that you get to ride! I'd be super excited too :)

  2. Your horse looks very pretty. I hope everything works out and you can ride on Friday!

  3. Ohhhhh she is looking so good!! I'm excited for you:) Even if you did put Becky Black in my head and all...

  4. Sending good vibes your way.

    I think I'd want to be riding that Wondermare myself! She looks great!!

  5. Crossing my fingers that Friday is the day!!! YAY!

  6. Good luck for Friday!! Izzy's looking really good

  7. I am so excited for you to be back in the saddle. My fingers are crossed for a good report from the doctor and the green light for you!

  8. The mare looks great. Will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow!

  9. Fingers crossed. I wonder when I'll get to sing my little riding friday song, lol!

  10. I am laid off from riding at the moment too - although my injury is tiny and boring and doesn't prevent me from doing housework or going to the office or even mucking out and feeding up. It's just a finger injury! So I know how you feel, waiting for a doctor to tell you it is ok to ride. It's so frustrating!!
