
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We're trapped in the indoor! It rained a lot and froze, so despite beautiful sunny skies and temperatures in the 40s, we can't get out. We were just doing flatwork, so although you see jumps, I do not jump over them.
I feel like things are getting better-my riding is certainly improving every day (a wonderful feeling). My confidence comes and goes, but I'm at least to the point when I enjoy riding Izzy on the flat, don't freak out when she spooks, and am starting to actually want to jump when I'm not in the saddle. Put me on a horse pointed at a fence and it's a different story, but it's progress.

And this. I had a to do list longer than my arm Monday, and a nice fellow boarder was sitting around while her horse was turned out. Fortunately, she is the daring type, so she rode Izzy while I rode the giant black horse in her left hand. Ms Mare behaved herself quite nicely.

And since this is such a media-heavy type of day, here's a cute video of my beagle:


  1. she is such a nice mover! i'm so jealous.

  2. You and Izzy are really looking good together. She is moving beautifully and developing a nice balance. Well done.

    *LOL* And just how much energy does one beagle produce?

  3. Lovely! I love how forward and rhythmic she is. I have really enjoyed your blog, can't wait to see what 2012 brings!

  4. Love the videos! You guys look fantastic!

  5. She was moving beautifully!! And I'm jealous of how quiet your legs were ;)

  6. Oh she is a gorgeous mover and looks so fancy and shiny all clipped up!!

  7. Izzy looks awesome! She looks nice and balanced and forward. (And shiny!) You know how I feel about your beagle. I really should have known better than to watch that video in my office. Totally squealed.
