
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Day in the Life of Cuna

Cuna has a new turnout buddy--Irie the Haflinger pony, hereinafter called "pony". I turned them out together for the first time on Monday and it was absolutely hilarious to watch. For your viewing pleasure, I attach a video...
They went on like this until pony full on charged Cuna and was like "KNOCK IT OFF D***HEAD I DON'T WANT TO PLAY RACEHORSE ONE MORE F****** TIME!!!

Don't blame me. Ponies are profane creatures by nature.


  1. Haha he would get along with Henry.. Henry loves to play play play!

  2. Awww! Quality bonding time :) Hey, why aren't you following my blog yet!?!?!! :)

  3. Haha! Thoroughbreds must be the obnoxious hyper kids of the horse world. Spider runs my little pony around all the time, trying to get her to play with him. I used to worry about her, until one day I watched her kick him right in the face with both hind feet after she'd had enough. Ponies are indeed profane. And they don't take no crap off nobody!

    Both Irie and Cuna are lovely movers. You're so lucky to be surrounded by such nice horses!

  4. hahaha, the captions totally make it!

  5. Hahaha cute post. Thanks for the smile!

  6. Cute! Cuna looks super good for his age!!!

  7. aww.... Cuna looks like hes having a blast.

  8. Ha! Irie is cool in Jamaican, that was my yellow lab's name :) I LOVE Cuna's movement. What a fun boy

  9. Love your captions! Cuna is strutting his fancy stuff, for sure :)

  10. This is a riot! Thank you so much for posting. Your boy looks QUITE fancy in show horse mode. And yes, ponies have very creative vocabulary. My daughter's pony can get quite salty when the occassion warrants it. :)

  11. LOL that is HILARIOUS. Pony is absolutely cursing out poor Cuna.

  12. ROFLOL!!! This post cracked me up! Awesome. Cuna is so cute. :D
