
Friday, April 20, 2012

I Have a Cunning Plan

I haven't said anything about it, but you probably noticed the complete lack of goals set for this year. Not weekly, not monthly, not anything. That was because on Izzy I didn't feel confident enough to say I wanted to do anything. At all. Then the situation with Cuna was in flux and then I still didn't know where I was headed.

I am a ridiculously motivated and goal oriented people (and grumpy, pessimistic people make me crazy, but that's another topic for another day). Now that I feel like Cuna and I are really clicking and making some progress, I decided I finally felt emotionally ready to make a plan for this year.

Especially after watching this video:

Yep. This is the grid from the other night, culminating in the 2'9" oxer. Look how far we've come. I mean... yeah... We're happy and forward and jumping giant jumps in style. I'm no professional, but I like how quiet my leg is and how my upper body is still and balanced. Cuna mostly approves of my hands (haha, watch the head flips) and we are connecting well.

Which brings us to the title: I have made a plan for us for this year.

MAY 27 - We will do the event derby (and probably one day of the XC clinic) at the Mitteleider's at  Beginner Novice.

JULY 1 - We will do the event derby at Rafter K at (most likely) Beginner Novice.

AUGUST 4-5 - We will do the horse trials at the Mitteleider's, debuting at (omg!) Novice.

The way I see it, we are already comfortably schooling show jumping at BN height (2'7"). We can do all kinds of crazy crap that is way, way harder than anything we will see in the ring until a much higher level. Cuna is an XC master, so I don't see that presenting any particularly huge hurdles. We'll have one show to get our crap together, one show to get bored, and then we'll move up.

I am so excited.

PS For those of you who have other things to do than just root around my page all day, please note that there is a new tab: "Keeping Up with Cuna" that lists all of our videos. I thought it would be cool to have them together.


  1. Hooray for the game plan! Looks like a nice, thoughtful scheudule for you you and your been-there-done-that big daddy :)
    And thanks for the post on my blog - you make me feel better already.

  2. By the way, LOOOOVEE the collection of the videos! Just watched them all again right in a row, and you should be so proud of yourself. You've always been a solid rider, but the increasing confidence really shows. =]

  3. Cuna is the man! He is such a cool horse.

  4. Sounds like a very good plan :)

  5. woo hoo for showing off your skillz! :)

  6. LOVE it!! damn girl, you look so calm and collected and you just balance him and let him do his thing. fantastic work :)

  7. Nice ride through that grid. And Cuna, of course, looks fantastic.

    Good plan. Wishing you all the best in meeting those goals.

  8. I love the video page Idea! Hopefully you won't mind if I copy your idea? I love it!

    You guys are looking great! It is awesome that you are so comfortable and confident on him! :)

  9. Whoop whoop!!
    Sarah mittelieder? From Rolex?!

  10. Whoop whoop!!
    Sarah mittelieder? From Rolex?!

  11. Whoop whoop!!
    Sarah mittelieder? From Rolex?!

  12. Answer Checkmark's question already! She really wants to In all seriousness though I am SO happy for you and the Dudes twin. Novice? Dang girl, it's go big or go home, right :) Love the confindence and that your drive is back.

  13. So exciting!! Congrats!! I love the videos page. I'm so happy you and Cuna are doing so well together. :D
