
Monday, May 7, 2012

Housekeeping - Contest and Challenge

First off--I am quite delinquent in selecting a winner in the 'most fun had on horseback' contest. Thank you all for entering. I absolutely loved hearing about the awesome stuff everyone is doing. I collected the names of everyone who entered with the intention of winning, assigned you a number in chronological order from the time you entered, put those numbers into a randomizer, and the winner is:

BELLA!!! Bella enjoyed eventing more than her last horse and is now having adventures on a stunning spotted mare.

Alright, now for the challenge round up. We have oodles of cool contestants and the start times are rolling in.

Here's the master list as of now:

Me and Cuna - 6.00

Rinsie and Reveille - 4.19

TBA and Jetta - 3.00

Lysette and Carlos - 4.00

Carly and Bobby - 10.00

Karley and Henry - 3.30

Katie and Owl - 10.00

Amy and Steady - 6.40

Sand and Moon

Stephanie P and Gina

Hillary H and horse - 2.45

Beka and Archie - 2.00

Jessica and Prince - 2.00

NSRider and Kota - 8.00

Ok contestants!! If I don't have a time for you yet, please post it in the COMMENTS ON THIS POST.   As much as I love re-reading every comment I've received in the last week, I am terrible at finding things in crowds and I might miss it if you post elsewhere. As you can see from the list above, I need times from Katie, Sand, NSRider, and Stephanie.

Cuna is ready for the challenge
There seem to be a couple of questions circulating as to what exactly you're supposed to be doing while in two point. Here is the answer: anything you can. Seriously. Keep it to flat work, since it's not really fair to try and jump when you're 3/4 of the way through and your legs are burning and you want to die, but other than that? Trot. Canter. Figure eight. Circle. Leg yield. Mix it up. I wouldn't recommend walking... that sounds wretched.

It has certainly been fun to check out everyone's blogs and see where they're at. I'm (virtually) meeting new faces and it's been fun. Anyone want to read mini interviews with the contestants? I think that would be fun, too. I love questionnaires!


  1. : ) I'll get it this week! Moon had a cut on his back RIGHT where the saddle went...didn't think I could do 2-pt at all bareback!!

    Now I'm just waiting for the rain to stop!!! : )

    After looking at your and Carly's times, I think I'll aim for shortest time!! : P

  2. As always I am game for anything!

  3. YES on the mini interviews/questionnaires!! It's like a blog reading list compilation =)

  4. Haha, yes on the questionnaires, that sounds like fun. And my time is at three minutes :(

  5. oh questionnaires sounds awesome!

  6. I had every intention of recording a time this morning, but Princess Pony couldn't be caught. I rode another horse instead, but I'd really like to get my time on Gina. I'm headed out to the barn tomorrow before work, so I'll definitely have one for you tomorrow! :)

  7. The questionnaires sounds like fun!

  8. The questionnaire definitely sounds like fun! Once I get home, you'll get a base time :)

  9. Yes on the mini interviews! That would be so awesome. I love this challenge and am looking forward to following along on everyone's progress. :D

    Congrats Bella!!

  10. Wait! I'm so confused as to what is going on....what's going on?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. After a totally insane work week that left zero time for real riding (read: I hopped on bareback once), I am happy to report that Gina and I clocked in at 4 minutes!

  13. Ok! Got my base-line time of 7.51, and by the end of it my calves were not happy campers. Luckily did it at the beginning of an hour long hack with friends, so had the chance to stretch them out while on the trail.
