
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Last Day

Today is our last full day at the current boarding facility. I took full advantage of the freaking gorgeous fall weather and the amazing trail access, and took Cuna into the hills to my favorite overlook. 

Look how tiny I am!

It was 29f this morning and frosty out, but Cuna isn't clipped yet.He marched along while I dropped the reins and merrily snapped pictures. As long as I don't stop him or make him pose, he doesn't mind.

It was weird to think that this is our last time heading out in the hills like this. Our new facility has some trail access, but just being able to cross the road and wander hundreds of acres has been amazing.

Am holding own reins

Obviously, Cuna was very wild. Once I convinced him that yes, he really did have to go out without a buddy again, he just followed the trail. He knows the drill. I was actually living dangerously for a little bit and not holding the reins, but I kept worrying that he would stop and step on them and I'd be stuck.

You never can escape your inner safety nazi. I guess that's a good thing. I mean, I would feel really stupid if I had to ride back with one rein over something like this. Plus these are my favorite reins.

Love these hills

The sky was amazing. My camera wasn't picking up all the detail I wanted it to, but just the deep, rich blue with the wispy clouds flying overhead. There's a reason to live in the west, folks. The sky is like none other.

Observing the world

When we made it to the overlook, Cuna very obligingly stopped and let me snap away. It's this really cool spot where we're still in the hills, but the city begins about a hundred feet below us. The atmosphere is finally clear and clean after the summer of smoke and fires, so we could see all the way across the valley to the mountains on the other side.

Downtown stretched away to our left. The fall colors just enhanced an already striking view. I love all the yellow, green, and red we're seeing and it's only going to get better.

Most handsome old man

Then a very nice hiker lady came along with her friendly dog. She was nice enough to take a picture of us together, which is officially the only picture I have of Cuna and I actually riding in the hills...

To my surprise and delight, she did an excellent job! Cuna even posed politely and didn't try to leave until she was done.

We're excited for the move tomorrow and yes, there will be a photo tour once we're settled in. This winter should be oodles of fun, even without these wonderful hills at my doorstep.


  1. Awww, that's a a great picture. Look at Mr. Handsome!

  2. You guys look amazing, I love his expression looking off over the hills!

  3. Love the last picture! You need to get a frame for that one...

  4. Too bad you have to leave those great hills behind! I'm sure they did great things for Cuna's rump. ;-)

  5. I used to have a mountain park to ride in, right out the back gate. It also had a neat little overlook spot and my horse would stand there as long as I let him, looking out over the scenery below. I miss that.

    Good luck in your new place. Surely you will be able to trailer in and still ride in the hills?

  6. I'm majorly jealous of that view...:)

  7. Thanks for the ride. It was really lovely!

  8. Love that last pic :) Can't wait to hear how tomorrow went.

  9. Considering that the biggest hill in Florida I've seen was man-made, these pictures make me super jealous. Its GORGEOUS!

  10. YAY Photo tour. Will you guys be back in the spring/summer?

  11. Wow - amazing photos, including the one of you both on trail by the nice hiker lady! Good luck on your move =]

  12. I LOVE the picture the hiker took! You guys look awesome!
