
Monday, April 1, 2013

Riding Ninja Results Post!!

I know you are all super excited to find out who won the contest for the Riding Ninja tshirt. Before we discuss that, let me share some shots by the indomitable Alyssa who documented the supermodel and myself with our Ninja gear.

Guess she was right.
We got all crazy and did a bareback shoot. Cuna thought it was an incredibly horrible idea and I was about in his camp, but Alyssa thought it would be cute.

It was not as uncomfortable as I expected and Cuna looks adorable.

So classy.

Sporting our Riding Ninja garb. How classy are we?

Cuna checks out the ninja hoodie. He is impressed. 

We plan the next shot together.

This one is my favorite.

So there you are! Authentic Cuna photos modeling the sweet Riding Ninja hoodie. Want this exact model? It's a limited edition, but there are lots of other sweet options at the Riding Ninja store.

Drumroll if you please.... thanks to a truly random process*, the winner is... Katie of 'My Huck Friend'. Please contact me, Katie, and we'll get you set up with your sweet prize.

Thanks to everyone for participating! I am going to wrap up the 'Tis the Season (for April Fools) contest this week, but first I have to do another post so SOMEONE will quit withholding a Cuna pic from me.

*I made a list of entrants, assigned them all numbers, randomly drew three numbers, and had someone who had no idea what I was doing choose 1,2, or 3.