
Monday, June 3, 2013


It's hard to be humble when my horse is just so much cuter than all the other horses on the planet. Seriously.

He's doing great--he's more comfortable and happy and himself every day. The barn owners are no longer having fits about how horrible he looks. Instead, they comment on how fast he's come around and how funny he is.

Given that I feel like I can finally breathe again and that Ellie is still in town, we decided to go ahead with an impromptu photo shoot. We're not back to riding yet, so we had to explore what we could do with minimal prep and a cool new location.

Exploring his pasture

Doing turnout all by his onesies

Glamour shot

Hanging out


So cute we can't stand it

This is right before he pushed me off the fence

Liberty shots

I absolutely love how they came out. I really feel like Ellie captured the mood of our situation right now--I'm just grateful for every single day. The fact that Cuna is weight bearing on both front feet, that he walks around with his nose out like a camel, and that his glowing color is back, are all little victories that I relish.

He doesn't even look like the same horse we took to the vet anymore. I almost have my grumpy old man horse back.


  1. Fab photos & I'm delighted to hear that the new shoeing is working out - hope he continues to improve. :)

  2. I LOVE the Snuggles shot! You two look wonderful and he has such a happy and blissful look on his face :) So glad he is feeling better!

  3. Great photos and LOVE little victories, it was my mantra over this weekend too

  4. His coat is just ridiculously gorgeous. I love the tongue photo!

  5. I LOVE these pictures. You look beautiful and Cuna looks quite handsome!

  6. LOVE the pics. You two both look so happy! I think the pic with his tongue sticking out is my fav, lol!

  7. Wonderful wonderful WONDERFUL!!!! It's scary when our horses are off, for any reason. The photos of you both are gorgeous. Your whole post makes me HAPPY.
    Such good news!!!

  8. He looks sooooo good! I'm so happy to hear he is feeling better so quickly!!! I love his beautiful wise, patient face and his condition is absolutely perfect. You are so right -- every day is a priceless gift, I get so mad at myself when I miss one!

  9. The snuggles photo is just adorbs!! So glad he is back to his tongue-sticking-out self <3

  10. i LOVE the 3rd picture down, he looks AMAZING! :)

  11. Aww, those are gorgeous! I love how snuggly he is :)

    Sorry if you've mentioned this and I missed it, but was the vet able to determine the source of the lameness? I know you mentioned that it was exacerbated by the pads, but from the sounds of it his feet weren't the only issue.

    1. I mentioned it in the comments. We don't know what caused the initial problem. We know the pads made it worse. Currently, he's looking pretty good (knock on wood), so hopefully the new shoes are addressing both issues. We'll see how it goes. :-/

  12. Great pictures. They're so light and happy!

  13. Love all of them. He is looking amazing! With just a little Photoshop that first picture is gorgeous. Or just have it painted. Such a happy expression and those clouds it is priceless.

  14. This is wonderful news!! and the pictures are wonderful too. I especially like the one labeled snuggles. :)

  15. What fantastic pictures! They really lightened my mood - Cuna is good medicine even for those who have never actually met him. :)

  16. I'm glad he's doing better! Great photos :)

  17. YAY!! I am SO glad to see him looking so good and you so happy! :D

  18. Jealous of you and your old man horse

  19. Good news, indeed. I missed the last few posts and just caught up on the story. Scary indeed.

    Have you tested Cuna for Cushings? Just wondering as my Toby showed signs of laminitis twice--no rotation but inflammation. Vet did a Cushings test and sure enough. It's very common in older horses, apparently.

    Give your fellow a hug from me. I suspect he's pretty fed up with all the extra hugs he's getting lately, but if you can fit one more in, I'd appreciate it!

  20. Love all the photos, but the snuggles one is my favorite! So glad to hear he's feeling better!
